
I had a discussion with another developer regarding gtk filechooser.

In the documentation for the filechooser you can read this:

"When the user is finished selecting files in a GtkFileChooser, your program 
can get the selected names
either as filenames or as URIs.  For URIs, the normal escaping
rules are applied if the URI contains non-ASCII characters.
However, filenames are always returned in
the character set specified by the G_FILENAME_ENCODING environment variable.
Please see the GLib documentation for more details about this

I think this means that it doesn't mean whether you get the filenames as an URI 
or as plain filenames, they will always be in the encoding used on the disk. 
But the other developer disagrees, and thinks it only applies to plain 
filenames, and URIs are always returned in UTF-8.

Which is correct? It doesn't make sense to me that URIs would be returned in 
UTF-8, because you would have no means to find out the true filename on disk?

And another question, the documentation says that gtk_file_chooser_get_files () 
is an internal function. Does this mean you're not allowed to use it in an 

/Kristoffer Brånemyr 
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

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