Hi all,

I have two questions with regard to gtk3 and its interaction with the window manager and X11 (or other) display.

(1) Is there a way to precisely position (or at least request such a position for) a toplevel window? gtk_window_set_postion() seems to provide only very limited positioning ability (e.g., centering). My app has multiple toplevel windows and I would like to arrange them very precisely for minimal overlap (without user interaction if possible). I see other apps doing this (gimp, I think) so there must be a way, but I have not been able to crack the code myself.

(2) Is there a way to get information about your display environment, e.g., screen dimensions and pixel sizes, without actually creating any widgets? Right now I'm getting this info by making (but not mapping) a toplevel window, then calling gtk_window_get_screen(), gdk_screen_get...(), etc., and then destroying the window. Seems like a waste as I would assume that gtk_init() is actually opening the display and hence this info should be available immediately after it's called. Not a major roadblock here, but it does seem a bit kludgy. I would ideally like to have this information before creating any toplevel windows (or widgets) at all.


Roger Davis
Univ. of Hawaii
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

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