Il Sat, 20 Feb 2016 02:50:31 -0200 Diogo Campos <> 

> Hi,
> I'm building a Free Software crowdfunding campaign, and GTK+ is one of the
> candidates to be benefited.


I think gtk-devel-list would be a better place for your questions:
CCing to it.

> This would mean for GTK+ to have 1 additional person working on it, and
> full-time.
> So, I would like to know from maintainers, contributors and interested
> individuals some information about GTK+.
> - There is interest in this additional person?
> - What are the functions needed today? Development? UI Design? Bug triage?
> Documentation? Translation? Anything else?
> - What tasks such contributors can do? And what is the skill level required
> to perform each of these tasks? Student? Amateur? Intermediate? Advanced?
> Expert?
> - What are the programming languages used?
> - There is a Roadmap and/or TODO list? If yes, what they define?
> - What is the current health of the project? How many people work on it
> regularly? How many of these are paid to do it?

For this kind of research you can leverage openhub: it is really
good for showing aggregate information.

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