Hello good people!

This is the release announcement for TestingGTK version 1.0.0, a test
suite for GTK+ and its associated libraries written in Python. It is
intended to be of use for identifying regressions in GTK+ and to make
it easier to verify the correctness of patches.

TestingGTK currently weighs in at 160 test cases, which means that it
for now only covers a small fraction of the code.

The test suite requires GTK+, PyGTK, nose and of course Python. Tests
are then run using:

    $ nosetests
    FAILED (failures=23, errors=3)

The source code can be checked out from GNOME SVN:

    svn co http://svn.gnome.org/svn/testinggtk/trunk testinggtk

Comments welcome. Testing makes perfect!

mvh Björn
gtk-devel-list mailing list

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