Hello all,

I don't know why I'm not receiving anything from the list. I saw on the archive that the prior message was posted.

At any rate, I wish apologize to everyone for wasting your time with the question posted originally. All I had to do was delve a bit deeper in the docs to find out how to do what I needed to do.

Bob Caryl

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        [Fwd: Getting a modal run]
Date:   Fri, 22 Apr 2005 08:04:51 -0500
From:   Bob Caryl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:     gtkmm-list <gtkmm-list@gnome.org>

Hmmm... either the list is down, or the following never got there; so here it is again.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Getting a modal run
Date:   Thu, 21 Apr 2005 16:23:05 -0500
From:   Bob Caryl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:     gtkmm-list <gtkmm-list@gnome.org>

Hello Everyone,

I've derived a class from Gtk::Window. I am running it from within another window thusly:

Cashwin cw;

This works fine, except that it is not asynchronous. I can get focus on the window that spawned this one and run it again. I don't want this to happen. The window is too complex to derive from Gtk::Dialog (I tried that).

Assuming my assumptions about derivation from Gtk::Dialog were correct, any ideas?


Bob Caryl

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