Google has published enough Android N code that we have access to the
stuff for their network security configuration feature. This allows
developers to provide certificates for custom CAs, for overriding
Android's default CAs, and self-signed certificates, plus support for
certificate pinning:

Their code relies fairly heavily on conscrypt, secondarily on libcore.
It also has a few things that only work on API Level 19+. As a result,
my guess is that Google will not provide a backport, or at least whoever
wrote this code was not expecting a backport.

However, it does seem to route all its logic through an
X509TrustManager, and some of the ickier libcore dependencies lie
outside of that. So, if conscrypt can be replaced by spongycastle, an
independent backport of the core functionality is not out of the
question, which should be easier than a cleanroom implementation from
the specification.

Anyway, just an FYI, in case anyone's been pondering this stuff...

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) | |
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