To whom may care this issue.
According to the discussion in IRC, here's the memo for the issue, in case
anybody encounter the same issue again:

The record is not nested inherited anymore, this would be the permanent
The good thing is better performance to access record-type, the bad thing
is the incompatibility.
If anyone use pattern-matching for parsing parent of a record-type, then
it'll break.

There are probably two workarounds to keep your current code if you use
pattern-matching for parsing parent.
1. Copy and maintain the old record code:
 (rnrs records procedural) and (rnrs records syntactic) from

2. The r6rs record-type is powerful so that you may customize it by
redefine its constructor to always put its parent to the first field.
So that pattern-matching can correctly parse the parent in its assumed
first field.

>From 3.0, you can't bind the parent of record type in the same matching
case, the parent (super class) would be is-A relationship,
not the previous has-A relationship, so that the parent (super class) is
not nested in the record-type anymore. The inherited fields
are the parts of the record-type (subclass) from now on, which would be
faster for access, obviously.

Best regards.

On Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 4:16 AM Nala Ginrut <> wrote:

> Hi folks!
> I found the r6rs record pattern matching has different results compared to
> Guile-2.
> Here is the example code:
> -----------------------------------------code--------------------------------------
> ,use (rnrs)
> ,use (ice-9 match)
> (define-record-type aaa (fields a))
> (define-record-type bbb (parent aaa) (fields b))
> (define r (make-bbb 1 2))
> (match r
>   (($ bbb ($ aaa _ a) b) (list a b))
>   (else "no"))
> ;; ==> "no"  in Guile-3
> ;; ===> (1 2) in Guile-2
> (match r
>   (($ bbb a b) (list a b))
>   (else "no"))
> ==> (1 2)  in Guile-3
> ==> (<aaa> 2) in Guile-2
> --------------------------------------------end----------------------------------------------
> In Guile-2, we have to specify the parent record-type for binding the
> fields of the parent, but it seems not in Guile-3.0.
> I know Guile-3 had tweaked record-type to unify the low-level
> implementation.
> My question: Is this the new expected activity? Do we have to tweak all
> record type matching since Guile-3 ?
> Or maybe it's just a bug?
> Best regards.

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