I am playing with stack semantics inspired from the prolog code and heading
towards a more clean
construction where we can have it live in both scheme and c.

The idea is to program like programming in scheme but outputting a subset of
pure c code e.g. no gotos
and the loops inspired by named let's, no gc, no lambdas etc. So it is
pretty lame as features goes.

To see how it looks consider the source code in stack.clam and the output by
loading that file
as out.c.

This will be the first iteration. The idea is to refactor the code later on
to depending on if output is scheme
or c-code.

Note this is just a very simplistic setup with almost no type deduction
hence the functional properties of it will
break where a little more intelligent type deduction is needed. So pretty
lame right now.

If interested I could put up a repo at github with the code (requires a
patched fmt library as of version 0.8)


Attachment: stack.clam
Description: Binary data

Copyright: Stefan Israelsson Tampe
Licence  : LGPL, any version.

const int stack__size = 1024;

#line 0

typedef struct stack {
            int size;
            char * data;
            char * pt;
            stack ** head;
            stack * prev;
        } stack;

#line 0

typedef struct stack__frame {
            stack * head;
            char * pt;
        } stack__frame;

#line 0

typedef struct action {
            char type;
        } action;

#line 0

typedef struct stack__action {
            char id;
            stack__frame sf;
            action header;
        } stack__action;

stack * _sstacks_s[256];

stack__action * _sstack__actions_s[256];

int _sstack__list_s[256];

int _slast__stack__id_s = 0;

stack * _sres__stacks_s[256];

stack ** _sres__stack__pt_s;

void update__stack__action (action * a) {
        void ret73145;
#line 124
                stack__action * sa;
                sa = (stack__action *)a;
                    int id;
                    id = sa->id;
                        stack__action * old;
                        old = AREF(_sstack__list_s, id);
#line 127
                            if (!old) {
#line 123
                                      = id;
#line 123
#line 128
#line 128
                                    AREF(_sstack__actions_s, id) = sa;
                                ret73145 = AREF(_sstack__actions_s, id);

stack * unwind (stack **, stack__frame *, int int);

void clear__stack (int int, stack__action **);

void free__stack (stack *);

stack * new__stack ();

void unwind__dependent__stacks (int unwind_p) {
        void ret73148;
#line 176
                int i;
                i = 0;
#line 177
                    if (i < _slast__stack_s) {
                            stack__action * sta;
                              = AREF(_sstack__actions_s,
                                     AREF(_sstack__list_s, i));
                                stack * res;
                                res = unwind((sta->s), (sta->fr), unwind_p);
#line 185
                                    if (unwind_p) {
#line 175
                                            *_sres__stack_s = res;
#line 175
#line 175
#line 186
                                         AREF(_sstack__list_s, i))
                                      = 0;
#line 187
                                        i = i + 1;
                                        goto loop;
                    } else {
#line 187
                                _slast__stack_s = 0;
                            ret73148 = _slast__stack_s;

stack * unwind__actions (stack__frame * sf, stack ** stp, int split_p) {
        stack * ret73152;
#line 196
                stack * st;
                st = *stp;
                    action * sa;
                    sa = (action *)st->pt;
#line 198
                            stack * s;
                            s = st;
                            action * a;
                            a = sa;
#line 202
                                        int case73151;
                                        case73151 = a->type;
                                        if (s == 0) {
#line 203
#line 204
                                                      = (action *)a
                                                                    - &((stack__action *)0.header);
#line 205
                                                    update__stack__action((stack__action *)a);
#line 210
                                    if ((char *)a == sf->pt) {
#line 214
                                              = unwind__dependent__stacks(split_p);
                                    } else {
                                        if ((char *)a == a->data) {
#line 219
                                                    stack * sold;
                                                    sold = s;
#line 220
                                                        s = s->prev;
#line 221
#line 222
                                                            s = s;
                                                            a = s->pt;
                                                            goto loop;
                                        } else {
#line 224
                                                    s = s;
                                                    a = a - 1;
                                                    goto loop;
        return ret73152;

stack * unwind (stack__frame * sf, stack ** stp, int split_p) {
        stack * ret73155;
#line 247
                stack * st;
                st = *stp;
#line 248
                        stack * s;
                        s = st;
                        stack * old;
                        old = st;
#line 249
                            if (s == sf->stack) {
#line 252
                                    s->pt = sf->pt;
#line 253
                                    if (split_p) {
                                            int i;
                                            i = s->pt - s->data;
                                                int n;
                                                n = s->size - i;
                                                    stack * ns;
                                                    ns = new__stack();
                                                        char * data;
                                                        data = s->pt;
#line 261
                                                            if (old == st) {
                                                                *stp = ns;
                                                            } else {
                                                                old->prev = ns;
#line 266
                                                            ns->data = data;
#line 267
                                                            ns->size = n;
#line 268
                                                            ns->pt = data;
#line 269
                                                            ns->head = stp;
#line 270
                                                            if (old == st) {
                                                                  = null;
                                                            } else {
                                                                ns->prev = old;
#line 275
                                                            s->size = i;
#line 275
            scheme@(guile-user)>                                                 ret73155 = ns;
                                    } else {
                                        ret73155 = s;
                            } else {
#line 281
                                    if (split_p) {
                                        if (s == old) {
                                            s->prev = null;
                                        } else {
                                            s->prev = old;
#line 285
                                        s = s->prev;
                                        old = s;
                                        goto loop;
        return ret73155;

char * alloc__from__stack (int id, int size) {
        char * ret73160;
#line 297
                stack ** sp;
                sp = AREF(_sstacks_s, id);
                    stack * s;
                    s = *sp;
                        int i;
                        i = s->pt - s->data;
                            int n;
                            n = size + i;
#line 301
                                    stack * ns;
                                    ns = new__stack();
                                        char * ret;
                                        ret = stack->pt;
#line 305
                                            ns->next = s;
#line 306
                                            ns->pt = ns->pt + size;
#line 307
                                            *sp = ns;
#line 307
                                            ret73160 = ret;
        return ret73160;

stack__action * insert__stack__frame (int stack__id) {
        stack__action * ret73167;
#line 319
                stack__action * sa;
                  = (stack__action *)alloc__from__stack(0,
                    stack * s;
                    s = AREF(_sstacks_s, stack__id);
#line 323
                        sa->id = id;
#line 324
                        sa->sf.stack = s;
#line 325
                        sa->sf.pt = s->pt;
#line 326
                        sa->header.type = 0;
#line 326
                        ret73167 = sa;
        return ret73167;


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