Re: Issues with (502 Bad Gateway)

2024-02-03 Thread Development of GNU Guix and the GNU System distribution.
Hi Christina,

On Sat, Feb 03 2024, Christina O'Donnell wrote:

> connecting to results in ... a 502 bad
> gateway.

You are welcome to use my Mumi clone at

Kind regards

Issues with (502 Bad Gateway)

2024-02-03 Thread Christina O'Donnell

Hi Guix,

From my machine[1] connecting to results 
in, after 130 seconds[2], a 502 bad gateway. It's been having issues for 
over a week, but I only just found a need to test it.

I couldn't see an issue about it on debbugs so I thought it prudent to 
raise an issue.

Reproduced with curl, firefox, and ungoogled-chromium on the main page 
and on specific issues.

It appears to be under a lot of load.

Kind regards,
 - Christina

[1] based in Cambridge, UK, and via my VPS in Dusseldorf, Germany on 
2024-02-03 19:30 UTC+0

[2] Rather consistently 130-140 seconds from both UK and Dusseldorf. 
Apparently the server is in Berlin.

Re: bug#63775: git describe on current master says: v1.3.0-38775-g6192acf8b7

2024-02-03 Thread Giovanni Biscuolo
Hi Jonathan,

I'm CC'ing guix-devel because I suspect many users who cloned/updated
the Guix repo are having the same results... and concerns.

This is a git bug, not an issue with our repo, and for this reason (I
hope) I'm closing this bug; please see below.

Jonathan Brielmaier via Bug reports for GNU Guix 

> Hm, I'm hitting this bug while trying to work on the openSUSE package.
> They offer a way to build RPM packages from the most recent master
> commit, but it's get the wrong version (1.3.0 instead of 1.4.0) due to
> this `git describe` result.

As pointed out by Simon last June the result of "git describe" is not
what users should get given the "Search strategy" documented in the
command manual:

--8<---cut here---start->8---

If multiple tags were found during the walk then the tag which has the
fewest commits different from the input commit-ish will be selected and
output. Here fewest commits different is defined as the number of
commits which would be shown by git log tag..input will be the smallest
number of commits possible.

--8<---cut here---end--->8---

The upstream bug report (and a reproducer) is this one:
«Subject: [BUG] `git describe` doesn't traverse the graph in topological

Another user also reported the issue and a reproducer:

The "executive summary" is that "git describe" gets the count of "fewest
commits different from the input commit-ish" wrong (see anso previous
messages in this thread for details).

Anyway, even if this bug was solved, I'd warmly suggest NOT to base the
check for the latest stable Guix commit (usually tagged as v[0-9]*) on
the result of "git describe".

Today, if "guix describe" had no bugs, the correct result would be:
"base-for-issue-62196"... AFAIU :-)

This is a reproducer:

--8<---cut here---start->8---

$ git describe $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)

--8<---cut here---end--->8---

To get the value corresponding to the latest tagged version, we should
testrict the list of tags to the ones matching the "v[0-9]*" regexp:

--8<---cut here---start->8---

$ git describe $(git rev-list --tags="v[0-9]*" --max-count=1)

--8<---cut here---end--->8---

To browse all the tags there is the "git tag" command, for example to
have the list and description of every Guix released version:

--8<---cut here---start->8---

$ git tag -l "v[0-9]*" --sort=-creatordate -n
v1.4.0  GNU Guix 1.4.0.
v1.4.0rc2   GNU Guix 1.4.0rc2.
v1.4.0rc1   GNU Guix 1.4.0rc1.
v1.3.0  GNU Guix 1.3.0.
v1.3.0rc2   GNU Guix 1.3.0rc2.
v1.3.0rc1   GNU Guix 1.3.0rc1.
v1.2.0  GNU Guix 1.2.0.
v1.2.0rc2   GNU Guix 1.2.0rc2.
v1.2.0rc1   GNU Guix 1.2.0rc1.
v1.1.0  GNU Guix 1.1.0.
v1.1.0rc2   GNU Guix 1.1.0rc2.
v1.1.0rc1   GNU Guix 1.1.0rc1.
v1.0.1  GNU Guix 1.0.1.
v1.0.0  GNU Guix 1.0.0.
v0.16.0 GNU Guix 0.16.0.
v0.15.0 GNU Guix 0.15.0.
v0.14.0 GNU Guix 0.14.0.
v0.13.0 GNU Guix 0.13.0.
v0.12.0 GNU Guix 0.12.0
v0.11.0 GNU Guix 0.11.0.
v0.10.0 GNU Guix 0.10.0.
v0.9.0  GNU Guix 0.9.0.
v0.8.3  GNU Guix 0.8.3.
v0.8.2  GNU Guix 0.8.2.
v0.8.1  GNU Guix 0.8.1.
v0.8GNU Guix 0.8.
v0.7GNU Guix 0.7.
v0.6GNU Guix 0.6.
v0.5GNU Guix 0.5.
v0.4GNU Guix 0.4.
v0.3GNU Guix 0.3.
v0.2GNU Guix 0.2.
v0.1GNU Guix 0.1.
v0.0Guix 0.0, initial announcement.

--8<---cut here---end--->8---


Happy hacking, Gio'

Giovanni Biscuolo

Xelera IT Infrastructures

Description: PGP signature

Re: Mechanism for helping in multi-channels configuration

2024-02-03 Thread Christina O'Donnell

Hi Simon,

The wishlist is: provide a machine-readable description on guix-science
channel side in order to help in finding the good overlap between
commits of different channels.

It could be nice if instead of an hard error, “guix pull” could say:
« the channel ’guix’ needs to be at least at commit 1234abc ».

I was just thinking about these kinds of errors. It would also happen 

channels when packages are split from a single file (eg. golang.scm to
golang-xyz.scm). Then channels immediately go out of sync as we're doing
continual releases. So, it wouldn't just be for time-machine. It's all a 
bit too
fragile for my liking. I assume we won't be to frequent versioned 
releases any

time soon..

A sketch of a solution might be:

 1. Have a script that scrapes all the define-public symbols in every 
file in

    every package.
 2. Have a script that determines the symbols needed by each file. (Macros
    make this more difficult, but.)
 3. Have both scripts have an incremental version that runs on diffs (for
 4. Run this for every commit on every branch on every channel caching the
 5. Have a CI script keep this updated for new commits.
 6. Have a server track incompatibilities.

For example, a 'definition-reference' could look like,

(definition-reference (commit-range start-hash end-hash)

(definition-reference (commit-range "44b340d..." "06dba3b...")

Commit ranges makes the size of entries tractable (since package 
probably aren't

getting moved / deleted / added very much).

Then use a hash table, (or trie or B+ Tree, or distributed hash table, 
etc) to

go from identifier to definition-reference.

You would probably would also want to know commit date so you could 
index on it.
That would let you find versions that supplied the identifier that are 
as close

as possible chronologically to a particular version of a different channel

Now this isn't perfect (in case anyone was getting that impression ;):
 - It won't have any idea about version incompatibilities.
 - It couldn't trace renamed variables.
 - And probably more.

Might be useful to additionally track package versions, but that might 
run into

resource issues.

I'm thinking a Guile daemon backed by SQLite.. What do you think?

Full disclosure: I've got nothing lined up for the summer yet, so I'm on the
prowl for GSoC projects :)

Kind regards,
 - Christina

[post Guix Days] Guix Common Document (was: Request-For-Comment process)

2024-02-03 Thread Simon Tournier
Hi all,

I hope that the discussion we had yesterday (Friday 2nd) in Guix Days
has clarified the idea behind this proposal.

I am waiting Ludo’s notes in order to refine this proposal, integrate
many comments and/or ideas, and polish.

Thanks all participants.

The aim of the proposal is to have a process to document our processes
with the least bureaucracy as possible.  Well, Debian project is often
cited as an example (social contract, voting system, etc.).  Indeed,
however there is more bureaucracy in Debian than in French State. ;-)

Instead, let just formalize what we are already doing.

Currently, we are just adding more and more sections to the manual and
for other parts the structure for making decisions is not clear.  For
sure, it works… until now but I think it does not scale and we are
touching the limits about what can be done with this informal structure.

Let me clarify my attempt behind this “RFC proposal”.  First,
pukkamustard proposed the name “Guix Common Document” echoing “greatest
common divisor“ (gcd): the greatest common divisor of two or more
integers is the largest positive integer that divides each of the
integers – other said, that’s the larger integer in common with all.

I like it because it captures well the idea; although such different
name could be confusing from the outside.   Anyway.  That’s an
implementation detail. ;-)

Second, from my point of view, the core components of the proposal are:

 + consensus;
 + co-supporter.

Consensus, because it is how we already collaborate.  Somehow, it
changes almost nothing for our daily operations but having an explicit
formalization will help outsiders.  The definition of “consensus” is

 1. can live with;
 2. concerns are actively resolved.

Other said, the definition wording of “consensus” specifies how to avoid
being blocked by disagreements: when one wish to block a proposal then
one bears a special responsibility for finding alternatives, proposing
ideas/code or explaining the rationale for the status quo.

And to make it clear, the first idea for making decision is “voting” but
then we need to define “who” votes.  Well, this appears to me a
counter-measure against something that would be rare and this solution
does not trust in the values of our community (being welcoming,
inclusive, taking care of each other, etc. well as least, trying as much
as possible :-)).

For me, the counter-measure against an hostile takeover is somehow
captured the point #2 above.

Co-supporter, because similarly as the manual section « (guix) Reviewing
the Work of Others » [1], the aim is to cross the final line, make
progress by incremental focused improvements.  Therefore, a proposal
needs the help of someone committed to the project (long-standing
contributor, committer, etc.).

I agree that “contributor sufficiently familiar” is maybe too vague and
needs more specific examples as “contributor sufficiently familiar
(committers or people with X commits)”.  Well, that’s part refining the
proposal. :-)

Last, I think that the time-frame for discussing needs to be bounded.
Somehow this bound will help in the incremental improvement and will
avoid the trap of the perfect-as-the-first-try.

Well, let recover from these awesome Guix Days and from FOSDEM and then
resume this proposal.



Mechanism for helping in multi-channels configuration

2024-02-03 Thread Simon Tournier

Well, using Guix bdab356 from a little bit more than one month old, then
associating the channel guix-science 0b3d4a2f last week, I get the

--8<---cut here---start->8---
$ guix build /gnu/store/g3aa5rh7bs5pyxd3q1gvhwz1s9z1vh3z-guix-science.drv
The following derivation will be built:
building /gnu/store/g3aa5rh7bs5pyxd3q1gvhwz1s9z1vh3z-guix-science.drv...
(repl-version 0 1 1)
WARNING: (guix-science build bazel-build-system): imported module (guix build 
utils) overrides core binding `delete'
(exception unbound-variable (value #f) (value "Unbound variable: ~S") (value 
(python-nr-stream)) (value #f))
builder for `/gnu/store/g3aa5rh7bs5pyxd3q1gvhwz1s9z1vh3z-guix-science.drv' 
failed to produce output path 
build of /gnu/store/g3aa5rh7bs5pyxd3q1gvhwz1s9z1vh3z-guix-science.drv failed
View build log at 
guix build: error: build of 
`/gnu/store/g3aa5rh7bs5pyxd3q1gvhwz1s9z1vh3z-guix-science.drv' failed
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

Well, that’s expected!  Guix bdab356 does not contain python-nr-stream
introduced by commit 7dfe41aa71a4a4a9d6065a44e9c6271717215b3e.

The wishlist is: provide a machine-readable description on guix-science
channel side in order to help in finding the good overlap between
commits of different channels.

It could be nice if instead of an hard error, “guix pull” could say:
« the channel ’guix’ needs to be at least at commit 1234abc ».



Re: Request-For-Comment process: concrete implementation

2024-02-03 Thread Simon Tournier
Hi Ricardo,

On mer., 20 déc. 2023 at 12:49, Ricardo Wurmus  wrote:

> I just got back from travels and finally caught up with important email.
> I read the proposal and it looks good to me.  Thank you for working on
> this!
> This would be the first project I contribute to that has an RFC process,
> so I don’t know what to look out for.  My concerns may thus be
> completely out of touch with reality, so beware as you read on.

Thank you for the feedback.  Much appreciated! :-)

I will address your question in another broad message.
