Re: An appeal to empathy on actual hurt caused by this thread

2022-02-28 Thread Tobias Geerinckx-Rice
Good god, man.

You spectacularly botched your original proposal.  That should have been the 
end of it.  Instead, we all have to suffer through your inability not to have 
the last word.  Or indeed thousand words.  That's cruel & unusual collective 
punishment, that is.

To protect you from further poor judgment, I've revoked your posting privileges 
to these lists.

You're not being cancelled.  The right to publish to every Guixer's inbox has 
always been based on whitelists of folks who could be trusted with it.

You could still post, though I suggest you give it a rest.  You'll just be 
queued with the spammers & the trolls & occasional new user -- alas, in that 
order :-) -- pending approval.

Since I'll defer to a majority of maintainers for that, I don't imagine it will 
be swift.

Kind regards,


Sent on the go.  Excuse or enjoy my brevity.

Re: An appeal to empathy on actual hurt caused by this thread

2022-02-28 Thread Maxim Cournoyer

Ludovic Courtès  writes:

> Taylan,
> You have been asked repeatedly to stop and yet, you just reiterated what
> we know has already proven to be hurtful.  That’s enough.

I agree.  Let's put an end to this and related threads that don't
further our project in any positive way.  The Guix maintainers will meet
tomorrow and discuss what can be done to avoid such situation in the

Taylan, until our decision is made, I'd like to ask you to cease any
discussion on this topic in any of the Guix communication spaces.  If
there's some change you'd like to propose to the CoC, please consult
with upstream, and do it respectfully (even if/when they refuse).

I offer my apologies to everyone for not reacting earlier.



Re: An appeal to empathy on actual hurt caused by this thread

2022-02-28 Thread Ludovic Courtès

You have been asked repeatedly to stop and yet, you just reiterated what
we know has already proven to be hurtful.  That’s enough.

Some things are indeed not up for debate, and the spirit of the code of
conduct is one of them.  As I return from vacation, I see that long
thread that immediately went off-topic, but more importantly evidently
turned out to be unwelcoming and hurtful.

This has no place in this project.  This is the very meaning of the
pledge that the project’s code of conduct is.

Let’s keep this a place where we can hack the good hack and enjoy each
other’s company.


Re: An appeal to empathy on actual hurt caused by this thread

2022-02-28 Thread Christine Lemmer-Webber

You asked me to take the time to explain the hurt you caused, and I did.
I spent a whole day on it.  It was not easy.  In response you provided a
long justification backing up the very thing you were asked not to do,
the very thing identified as causing this much hurt.

But you've made it, beyond a doubt, abundantly clear that this is
exactly what you intended to do, at least.

I hope we never see something unfold like this on this, or any related,
mailing list again.

 - Christine

Re: An appeal to empathy on actual hurt caused by this thread

2022-02-28 Thread Ekaitz Zarraga
Just to keep it clear, Taylan,

You didn't in any case listen to what I actually said which
was that you are forcing us to have this debate. You don't
care if we want or we don't.

I don't want to have this discussion and you are still

I never said you were wrong or not, just wanted you to stop.
I wanted you to stop before it was too late for everyone,
and you didn't. I guess *your* views are more important than

In any case, let me tell you something. You could have been
a more intelligent person and just directly propose an update
on the CoC that follows what upstream does and you'd get
absolutely no opposition. The only reason why Zimoun's update
on the CoC had some opposition was because of the noise you
provoked before.

Instead, you decided to make noise and propose a change that
had some discussion upstream. Why? I don't know. That's
something only you can explain.

If you really wanted to change the CoC, that would be the most
intelligent and innocuous way to do it. Even the people who
argued with you said they were ok with the update!

Seriously, at this point I don't understand what you were
expecting from this conversation. You already knew it was a
convoluted topic, you knew you were going to hurt people...

You did all this *because* of that, not regardless. It's more
than obvious you wanted to make the noise. You were poking
the community to see how we responded.

It's obvious you have personal issues with the topic. But as
I already stated, this is a *software project*. This is not
a place for your personal fights or for social experiments.

The only thing that will remain is that you had the chance
to decide and you decided to make this circus.


PS: I also want to congratulate Zimoun for the "best apology
of the year" prize. I'm completely amazed. The way the
apology turns to be you just blaming others... An absolute

PS2: Yes, I'm upset.

Re: An appeal to empathy on actual hurt caused by this thread

2022-02-28 Thread Taylan Kammer
Hi Christine & co.,

This will be my last mail on this topic.  It's addressed to everyone.

Thank you for putting so much time into your response.  I'm responding
late because I had too much anxiety to open my mail client, and it looks
like my gut feeling was not wrong.

I'm sad to say that I have to disagree with many aspects of your message,
and it seems we will simply have to leave it at disagreement.  If I were
to start enumerating all the things that I disagree with, we would be
right back at square one, and nobody wants that.

At the same time, I must provide some reasoning as to why I'm responding
in such a way after we've both put an enormous amount of effort into
building up empathy.  Of course, I will continue to have respect and
empathy for you as a person; it's just our perspectives on the matter at
hand that seem impossible to reconcile, and I will try to express why
I've come to that conclusion.


The way I've experienced this whole situation is as follows.

Despite my repeated attempts to focus on the principle of mutual respect
for different world-views, others seem mainly interested in trying to
explain why the world-view around sex-based discrimination is somehow
wrong and bad, and should not be respected.

At the same time, it was made very clear that, had I attempted to argue
against the notion that said view is wrong and bad, it would have been
seen as proof that I'm trying to argue for a wrong and bad view and
thereby hurt people in the community.

In essence, it comes down to "it's wrong, and it's not up for debate,
because it's wrong."


Let me clarify again that I understand and acknowledge that a debate on
the views themselves would be deeply hurtful.  That's why I've tried so
hard to avoid that, and asked what part of my mails gave the wrongful
impression that I even had any such intention.

And frankly, I find your answer to that somewhat convoluted.

Yes, I've mentioned in passing that I agree with radfem views.  That was
for the sake of transparency, as pretending to be a neutral third party
would have been manipulative.

I can see that I shouldn't have used the phrase "male-born people."
Something like "people who don't know what it's like being born with a
female body" might have been more appropriate, but I doubt that changing
that one part of that one email would have made that much a difference.
(There's also a point to be made about brevity but anyway.)

All in all, I've gotten the impression that the issue with my mails was
less that I've said something to invalidate trans experiences, and more
that I've dared to suggest that a view based on different experiences
should be respected equally.

Of course, if you look closer into said views based on other experiences,
you won't take long before finding claims that invalidate yours, but that
goes both ways.  Such are conflicting philosophies.  It's not different
with views on religion or politics.  Such is a pluralistic society.


Now one might ask, why am I so "fixated" on this topic, when clearly the
view I've offered is considered hostile.  If people feel *so* strongly
about those views being hurtful, why not just drop it?  It's very easy
to just paint me as "this weird guy obsessed with controversial views."

Well, I've tried to explain, but now that I think about it I might not
have been clear, as I was trying to avoid debate and keep my messages

I will touch on one specific thing, to serve as an example.

Morgan introduced the term "Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist" (TERF)
and you've used it throughout your message...

By the way, Morgan, I'm sorry for not addressing you directly earlier,
it's just that I was trying to avoid debate on the subject matter itself
and your message seemed mainly like a debate starter.  Responding to
Christine, on the other hand, seemed urgently necessary.

But now I want to use the term "TERF" as a demonstration as to why I feel
so strongly about mutual respect for both views in this whole debacle,
insofar we want the Guix community to be inclusive to everyone who wants
to improve Guix.


I know feminists who, as part of being labeled as "TERF" and subsequent
treatment by "pro-trans" (in name only IMO) activists, have:

- Been forced out of their job (firing, or forced resignation)
- Had torrents of physical (and sexualized) threats sent their way
- Had their meetings disrupted by mobs of masked individuals
- Been straight up physically assaulted (resulting in charges)
- Had said assault be publicly celebrated on social media
- Have been followed by people shouting "I hope you get r*ped"

And more.  Vancouver Rape Relief and Women's Shelter had the words "Kill
TERFs" written on the windows of a building they used, and the carcass
of a rodent nailed on the door frame.  Vancouver Women's Library was met
with a group of vandals upon their opening, who wrote similar things on
their door and damaged books.

(I'm too tired for citation-collecting but feel free to ask 

Re: An appeal to empathy on actual hurt caused by this thread

2022-02-26 Thread Christine Lemmer-Webber
Okay.  Now a longer reply.  I am taking a substantial portion of my day
to do this.  I think there is a lot more going on here than even appears
at the surface.  So I have re-read everything that has been said so far
and am doing my best to take care in what I write here.  I hope it's of
some greater help and contribution for the health and well being of this
community, which I cherish.

Taylan Kammer  writes:

> Hi Christine,
> Thank you for opening up.  It was definitely not apparent to me that you
> had such a reaction to the thread.  As we know, text doesn't convey the
> nuances of human communication very well, and I had read your initial
> emails as rather relaxed, or at worst mildly annoyed.  Had I realized
> that they were coming from such a stressful position, I would have
> responded differently.

For whatever it's worth, at the point that I composed the email, I was

> My heartfelt apologies in that regard.

Apology (personally) accepted.  I can't speak for others of course, but
it is my hope that we as a community can find healing and understanding
and move forward.  And I believe you when you say this was not your

I also appreciate you being open and thoughtful throughout the rest of
this email.  Know that this, and the previous, emails were not easy for
me to write.  I wrote them from a position of disclosure and

But not writing them would be worse.  I am glad I did write it, because
(and obviously, I won't talk about the specifics), I received replies
from some folks in private saying they felt their experiences mirrored
and it may have affected their participation in Guix, and had already
affected their feeling of safety and self-identity.  Not to mention my
own felings.

> For us to be able to build up better mutual understanding and empathy in
> the future, perhaps it would be good for me to open up about some things
> as well.

Certainly not a thing requied to do, but I appreciate it.

> Frankly, I think we're more similar than anyone taking a glance at the
> thread might ever think.  I've had experiences with gender dysphoria as
> well, and my dis-identification with male peers has certainly played an
> important role in the development of my severe chronic depression.
> I'm a rather reserved person when it comes to personal matters, not as
> open about my feelings as you are (and good on you -- it's not doing me
> much good to be the way I am in that regard), so I don't want to go into
> too much detail, but let's just say I've had multiple near-death moments
> throughout the years in relation to my condition, and the latest bout of
> severe suicidal thoughts was just a few months ago.

I'm sorry to hear it.

> The partly hostile responses (from others, not you!) I've received in
> the thread have been anything but pleasant, to say the least, but have
> not led to a major breakdown, perhaps thanks to the medication I'm on,
> which might be why I was able to respond a few more times...

I am sorry, again, to hear about your dealing with depression, or that
you have had to undergo any breakdowns at all.

As for "partly hostile responses", I'd like to respond to this more
later, at the end of this thread.

> I've packaged higan for Guix, back in 2015.  Near (then byuu) helped me
> revitalize some of my fondest childhood memories with the emulator he's
> built.  After taking some interest in the program's workings, I was also
> briefly active on his web forum, and had positive interactions with him.
> We weren't close personally, but I had built up a *lot* of fondness and
> respect for him.  The news of his suicide was absolutely awful to me.
> Moreover, a certain web forum that shall not be named which was behind
> the bullying campaign against Near/byuu (and countless others) also has
> a "profile" of sorts written up on me in one of their threads, as a
> potential future bullying target or something.  So far I've been spared,
> but they do have my home address, and my employer's details are a web
> search away.
> All of which is to say, I *deeply* empathize with your position, and at
> no point would I ever wish to inflict this type of pain on anyone.

I'm truly sorry you had to experience that.  Nobody deserves that.

Though (and not to undo the previous two sentences) I will say, the
choice of "he" for Near gave me most pause in this email, given the
thread's existing context of gender consierations, and that Near
identified as nonbinary as far as I understand, and that this and their
autism were partly why they were bullied into suicide...

> I would like to sincerely reassure you that the sole purpose in sending
> the patch, and subsequent messages, was to pledge for another view to be
> respected on equal regard to the one that's already correctly respected.
> The reason I've felt strongly about that, pressing me to reiterate the
> position in the subsequent thread by Zimoun, was of course not some
> twisted wish to cause hurt.  Rather, 

Re: An appeal to empathy on actual hurt caused by this thread

2022-02-26 Thread Morgan Lemmer Webber
Thank you for this response and for sharing some of your own experiences. I
just want to address this issue:

>The key reason the thread / my mails have caused hurt seems to be that
>they've come across as an attempt to debate transgender experiences.
>What I've not been able to understand is how that happened, since I
>actually tried very hard from the beginning to make it as clear as
>possible that I had no such intention.

I think that the main reason that this thread turned contentious is the
body of rhetoric you were referencing. In an earlier part of the thread,
you said:

>Not to hide anything: personally, I ascribe to views (broadly, radical
>feminism) which contradict some key aspects of the transgender movement.
>However, that's irrelevant in this context.

Whatever your intentions were, the rhetoric you were using to argue your
point comes from the discourse of Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminism, that
is not irrelevant in this context. You were using the same talking points
that people use to bully and harass trans people in person and online and
others in positions of power in my country and across the globe are
actively using to reject the lived experiences of transgender individuals
and deny them basic human rights (like access to health care). This is why
your proposal elicited a trauma response for some people. I will give you
the benefit of the doubt that this was not your intention but for many
people in the world and in the Guix community your argument cannot be
separated from this context.

For my own part, conversations about what benefits [cis-]women in a
community without including any [cis-]women in the conversation (though
from my persepctive as a feminist, I would argue that Liliana and
Christine's input as women should have been heeded as such) ties into a
centuries-long patriarchal trend of talking around women about their best
interests instead of speaking with them about their needs.

I hope you do not view this as an attack, I am merely framing this
conversation within broader contexts that led this thread to cause harm to
members of the community since you asked us why it had this unintended


On Fri, Feb 25, 2022 at 11:03 PM Taylan Kammer 

> Hi Christine,
> Thank you for opening up.  It was definitely not apparent to me that you
> had such a reaction to the thread.  As we know, text doesn't convey the
> nuances of human communication very well, and I had read your initial
> emails as rather relaxed, or at worst mildly annoyed.  Had I realized
> that they were coming from such a stressful position, I would have
> responded differently.
> My heartfelt apologies in that regard.
> For us to be able to build up better mutual understanding and empathy in
> the future, perhaps it would be good for me to open up about some things
> as well.
> ---
> Frankly, I think we're more similar than anyone taking a glance at the
> thread might ever think.  I've had experiences with gender dysphoria as
> well, and my dis-identification with male peers has certainly played an
> important role in the development of my severe chronic depression.
> I'm a rather reserved person when it comes to personal matters, not as
> open about my feelings as you are (and good on you -- it's not doing me
> much good to be the way I am in that regard), so I don't want to go into
> too much detail, but let's just say I've had multiple near-death moments
> throughout the years in relation to my condition, and the latest bout of
> severe suicidal thoughts was just a few months ago.
> The partly hostile responses (from others, not you!) I've received in
> the thread have been anything but pleasant, to say the least, but have
> not led to a major breakdown, perhaps thanks to the medication I'm on,
> which might be why I was able to respond a few more times...
> I've packaged higan for Guix, back in 2015.  Near (then byuu) helped me
> revitalize some of my fondest childhood memories with the emulator he's
> built.  After taking some interest in the program's workings, I was also
> briefly active on his web forum, and had positive interactions with him.
> We weren't close personally, but I had built up a *lot* of fondness and
> respect for him.  The news of his suicide was absolutely awful to me.
> Moreover, a certain web forum that shall not be named which was behind
> the bullying campaign against Near/byuu (and countless others) also has
> a "profile" of sorts written up on me in one of their threads, as a
> potential future bullying target or something.  So far I've been spared,
> but they do have my home address, and my employer's details are a web
> search away.
> All of which is to say, I *deeply* empathize with your position, and at
> no point would I ever wish to inflict this type of pain on anyone.
> I would like to sincerely reassure you that the sole purpose in sending
> the patch, and subsequent messages, was to pledge for another view to be
> respected 

Re: An appeal to empathy on actual hurt caused by this thread

2022-02-26 Thread Ekaitz Zarraga
I'll just add my five cents here and leave the conversation:

> Reading over my mails, I just don't understand why they might have been
> misunderstood so badly. If you could shed some light on that, I would be
> very grateful! It would certainly help me avoid mistakes in the future,
> if I were to talk about these matters in a different place.

It's what happens when you over-rationalize other people's feelings or
you talk freely about some subjects people is not comfortable with.

You didn't take a good decision, you didn't evaluate it and you are still
surprised for what it happened. Don't think, feel instead, and you'll

The problem is not the tone or the content in my opinion, but the noise,
and (in purpose or not) you made a lot of it. This thread made people
feel uncomfortable and questioned, which might be right for conversations
you have with your friends or when there's a consent from both sides, but
this is a *software* project and you forced people to see messages they
probably didn't expect or they didn't want to read.

Even with that some had the courage to tell you to stop, and here we are

What I don't understand is why is people surprised. This thread was born
to blow up since the very first message (and sadly, it's not the only one
this week).


Re: An appeal to empathy on actual hurt caused by this thread

2022-02-25 Thread Christine Lemmer-Webber
Taylan, thank you for the thoughtful response and to listening to what I
said.  It's too close to bedtime for me to be able to respond
coherently, but I will do so tomorrow.  Just wanted to leave this hear
in the meanwhile so it was clear you were heard.

 - Christine

Taylan Kammer  writes:

> Hi Christine,
> Thank you for opening up.  It was definitely not apparent to me that you
> had such a reaction to the thread.  As we know, text doesn't convey the
> nuances of human communication very well, and I had read your initial
> emails as rather relaxed, or at worst mildly annoyed.  Had I realized
> that they were coming from such a stressful position, I would have
> responded differently.
> My heartfelt apologies in that regard.
> For us to be able to build up better mutual understanding and empathy in
> the future, perhaps it would be good for me to open up about some things
> as well.
> ---
> Frankly, I think we're more similar than anyone taking a glance at the
> thread might ever think.  I've had experiences with gender dysphoria as
> well, and my dis-identification with male peers has certainly played an
> important role in the development of my severe chronic depression.
> I'm a rather reserved person when it comes to personal matters, not as
> open about my feelings as you are (and good on you -- it's not doing me
> much good to be the way I am in that regard), so I don't want to go into
> too much detail, but let's just say I've had multiple near-death moments
> throughout the years in relation to my condition, and the latest bout of
> severe suicidal thoughts was just a few months ago.
> The partly hostile responses (from others, not you!) I've received in
> the thread have been anything but pleasant, to say the least, but have
> not led to a major breakdown, perhaps thanks to the medication I'm on,
> which might be why I was able to respond a few more times...
> I've packaged higan for Guix, back in 2015.  Near (then byuu) helped me
> revitalize some of my fondest childhood memories with the emulator he's
> built.  After taking some interest in the program's workings, I was also
> briefly active on his web forum, and had positive interactions with him.
> We weren't close personally, but I had built up a *lot* of fondness and
> respect for him.  The news of his suicide was absolutely awful to me.
> Moreover, a certain web forum that shall not be named which was behind
> the bullying campaign against Near/byuu (and countless others) also has
> a "profile" of sorts written up on me in one of their threads, as a
> potential future bullying target or something.  So far I've been spared,
> but they do have my home address, and my employer's details are a web
> search away.
> All of which is to say, I *deeply* empathize with your position, and at
> no point would I ever wish to inflict this type of pain on anyone.
> I would like to sincerely reassure you that the sole purpose in sending
> the patch, and subsequent messages, was to pledge for another view to be
> respected on equal regard to the one that's already correctly respected.
> The reason I've felt strongly about that, pressing me to reiterate the
> position in the subsequent thread by Zimoun, was of course not some
> twisted wish to cause hurt.  Rather, it was because that perspective is
> based on the experiences of countless AFAB people who have been hurt in
> countless ways, just like the perspective that is currently rightfully
> encoded in the CoC is based on the experiences of trans people.  (I've
> also found the sex-based perspective to have strong explanatory power
> w.r.t. my personal problems, although I've come to see that as almost
> irrelevant in the face of everything else I've learned.)
> ---
> There's one thing I've not been able to understand.  I don't know if you
> wish to respond any further, but if so, please note that the following
> is a completely genuine inquiry, and not meant in any confrontational
> manner at all, just like the rest of this email.  I think it would be
> very helpful for the future if you could help me with this:
> The key reason the thread / my mails have caused hurt seems to be that
> they've come across as an attempt to debate transgender experiences.
> What I've not been able to understand is how that happened, since I
> actually tried very hard from the beginning to make it as clear as
> possible that I had no such intention.
> For example, I had said things like:
>   "I can assure you that I'm 100% fine with the CoC mentioning gender
>   identity and, for example, if someone were to make inflammatory
>   remarks towards the worldview of transgender people in this community,
>   I wouldn't hesitate opposing that."
> And in the summary:
>   "I sincerely have no issue with the CoC protecting people based on
>   gender identity or other transgender status, and am equally
>   disinterested as others in having debates about that topic."
> Yet something seems to 

Re: An appeal to empathy on actual hurt caused by this thread

2022-02-25 Thread Taylan Kammer
Hi Christine,

Thank you for opening up.  It was definitely not apparent to me that you
had such a reaction to the thread.  As we know, text doesn't convey the
nuances of human communication very well, and I had read your initial
emails as rather relaxed, or at worst mildly annoyed.  Had I realized
that they were coming from such a stressful position, I would have
responded differently.

My heartfelt apologies in that regard.

For us to be able to build up better mutual understanding and empathy in
the future, perhaps it would be good for me to open up about some things
as well.


Frankly, I think we're more similar than anyone taking a glance at the
thread might ever think.  I've had experiences with gender dysphoria as
well, and my dis-identification with male peers has certainly played an
important role in the development of my severe chronic depression.

I'm a rather reserved person when it comes to personal matters, not as
open about my feelings as you are (and good on you -- it's not doing me
much good to be the way I am in that regard), so I don't want to go into
too much detail, but let's just say I've had multiple near-death moments
throughout the years in relation to my condition, and the latest bout of
severe suicidal thoughts was just a few months ago.

The partly hostile responses (from others, not you!) I've received in
the thread have been anything but pleasant, to say the least, but have
not led to a major breakdown, perhaps thanks to the medication I'm on,
which might be why I was able to respond a few more times...

I've packaged higan for Guix, back in 2015.  Near (then byuu) helped me
revitalize some of my fondest childhood memories with the emulator he's
built.  After taking some interest in the program's workings, I was also
briefly active on his web forum, and had positive interactions with him.
We weren't close personally, but I had built up a *lot* of fondness and
respect for him.  The news of his suicide was absolutely awful to me.

Moreover, a certain web forum that shall not be named which was behind
the bullying campaign against Near/byuu (and countless others) also has
a "profile" of sorts written up on me in one of their threads, as a
potential future bullying target or something.  So far I've been spared,
but they do have my home address, and my employer's details are a web
search away.

All of which is to say, I *deeply* empathize with your position, and at
no point would I ever wish to inflict this type of pain on anyone.

I would like to sincerely reassure you that the sole purpose in sending
the patch, and subsequent messages, was to pledge for another view to be
respected on equal regard to the one that's already correctly respected.

The reason I've felt strongly about that, pressing me to reiterate the
position in the subsequent thread by Zimoun, was of course not some
twisted wish to cause hurt.  Rather, it was because that perspective is
based on the experiences of countless AFAB people who have been hurt in
countless ways, just like the perspective that is currently rightfully
encoded in the CoC is based on the experiences of trans people.  (I've
also found the sex-based perspective to have strong explanatory power
w.r.t. my personal problems, although I've come to see that as almost
irrelevant in the face of everything else I've learned.)


There's one thing I've not been able to understand.  I don't know if you
wish to respond any further, but if so, please note that the following
is a completely genuine inquiry, and not meant in any confrontational
manner at all, just like the rest of this email.  I think it would be
very helpful for the future if you could help me with this:

The key reason the thread / my mails have caused hurt seems to be that
they've come across as an attempt to debate transgender experiences.
What I've not been able to understand is how that happened, since I
actually tried very hard from the beginning to make it as clear as
possible that I had no such intention.

For example, I had said things like:

  "I can assure you that I'm 100% fine with the CoC mentioning gender
  identity and, for example, if someone were to make inflammatory
  remarks towards the worldview of transgender people in this community,
  I wouldn't hesitate opposing that."

And in the summary:

  "I sincerely have no issue with the CoC protecting people based on
  gender identity or other transgender status, and am equally
  disinterested as others in having debates about that topic."

Yet something seems to have gone wrong.

There was one email, my response to Liliana, in which I've touched on
the debate itself, but that was even before your emails so I don't
think it was that...

Reading over my mails, I just don't understand why they might have been
misunderstood so badly.  If you could shed some light on that, I would be
very grateful!  It would certainly help me avoid mistakes in the future,
if I were to talk about these matters in a different place.


Re: An appeal to empathy on actual hurt caused by this thread

2022-02-25 Thread Morgan Lemmer Webber
Hello! I am Morgan Lemmer-Webber, a cis-gendered woman who is a guix user
(though not a developer). I have been an active member of the FOSS world,
am co-host of a FOSS podcast, and overall have had delightful interactions
with the guix community. As Christine said, I do also have a PhD in Art
History with a focus on the social history of women, and therefore am well
versed in feminist theory.

That being said, I have zero interest in being the tolken cis-woman in any
group of people. In fact, this type of gender-essentialist conversation
being raised by men in an attempt to speak for women (who may or may not
want to join a community) without actually consulting women (who may or may
not already be in that community) is exactly the type of interaction that
would make me take pause before joining a community.

On Fri, Feb 25, 2022 at 6:34 PM Christine Lemmer-Webber <> wrote:

> Taylan, I respect you and your work.  I don't think you realize how much
> hurt you've caused here, and I want to take your contributions at good
> faith.  But this has continued for days and it has definitely hurt a
> lot.
> I just got out of a presentation that I've been in crunchmode preparing
> for all week.  It was a technically intense presentation with a demo
> that required a lot of engineering effort to get there.  I was stressed
> enough.  But the demo went well.  Everyone was excited, including me.
> I got off the call, and normally what I would feel after something ended
> like that was relief.  But I didn't feel relieved.  I felt... tired.
> And then I started crying uncontrollably for over an hour.  Because the
> pressure of the presentation was so great that I had to push down and
> push down all the feelings I had about what was happening on this
> thread, but when it was over, they overflowed.
> And I don't believe, I don't want to believe, you meant to cause harm or
> hurt.  You have several messages recently clearly indicating that you
> feel you have been accused of things.  This is not an accusation.  This
> is an appeal to empathy.
> Normally I would have left this be quiet, or send an email one-on-one,
> when things reached this stage.  But I tried to help this conversation
> end in quiet, and it hasn't happened, and it's been days.  So I'm
> relaying my experiences here.
> Taylan Kammer  writes:
> > On 24.02.2022 14:21, Ekaitz Zarraga wrote:
> >>
> >>> I suspect you haven't properly read any of my mails and jumped to
> conclusions
> >>> based on a quick skim, or something like that.
> >>
> >> Well, I've been reading them and some people told you to stop and you
> still
> >> continue. People already told you were bothering them.
> >
> > I haven't posted anything after Andy and Oliver asked to take it
> off-list,
> > other than responding to Blake's accusation of course.
> >
> > Before that, nobody told me to stop or that I was bothering them, unless
> I
> > missed it?
> I did...
> And maybe you missed it, but I definitely did.  I *definitely* did.
> This was on Monday, it is now Friday.  Here's what I said across my
> two emails:
>  - I had already expressed that my very first reaction was wanting to
>support broader language but NOT to have a debate about trans
> experiences:
>> My first thought when looking at the top of this thread was,
>> 'well I would be okay with adding a word if it isn't an *entry point*
>> for debating trans experiences on list' but it looks like it's likely
>> to be so
>  - And then I said that, as a person affected, I didn't feel comfortable
>debating these topics on a technical mailing list:
>> I'm a transwoman with intersex characteristics.  I've certainly
>> read a ton about sexual and gender therory, have read plenty of
>> books on it and I can say without a doubt that I really just don't
>> feel comfortable debating these topics on a technical mailing list.
>  - And then, when I saw your email where you had pulled back, I tried
>to help everything close in a way that was friendly:
>> Ah okay, hadn't seen this post before I replied.
>> It seems the issue is closed then.  Look forward to everyone getting
>> back to hacking. :)
> Shortly thereafter I stepped away from my computer and went downstairs
> and went downstairs to prepare lunch.  Morgan, my wife (who is also a
> Guix user, btw) said, "Are you okay?  You look stressed."
> And I relayed what happened on this thread.
> "Is *that* what's being debated on this list?  I'm not a Guix
> *developer*, but I am a Guix *user*.  That kind of gender essentialism
> makes me both really want to join the mailing list so I can weigh in
> and really *not* want to have to weigh in because I don't want to have
> to deal with all that.  That's not the kind of community I want to
> participate in."
> We co-presented at the FOSDEM room together in the "Lisp but Beautiful,
> Lisp for Everyone" talk.  A major portion of the 

An appeal to empathy on actual hurt caused by this thread

2022-02-25 Thread Christine Lemmer-Webber
Taylan, I respect you and your work.  I don't think you realize how much
hurt you've caused here, and I want to take your contributions at good
faith.  But this has continued for days and it has definitely hurt a

I just got out of a presentation that I've been in crunchmode preparing
for all week.  It was a technically intense presentation with a demo
that required a lot of engineering effort to get there.  I was stressed
enough.  But the demo went well.  Everyone was excited, including me.

I got off the call, and normally what I would feel after something ended
like that was relief.  But I didn't feel relieved.  I felt... tired.

And then I started crying uncontrollably for over an hour.  Because the
pressure of the presentation was so great that I had to push down and
push down all the feelings I had about what was happening on this
thread, but when it was over, they overflowed.

And I don't believe, I don't want to believe, you meant to cause harm or
hurt.  You have several messages recently clearly indicating that you
feel you have been accused of things.  This is not an accusation.  This
is an appeal to empathy.

Normally I would have left this be quiet, or send an email one-on-one,
when things reached this stage.  But I tried to help this conversation
end in quiet, and it hasn't happened, and it's been days.  So I'm
relaying my experiences here.

Taylan Kammer  writes:

> On 24.02.2022 14:21, Ekaitz Zarraga wrote:
>>> I suspect you haven't properly read any of my mails and jumped to 
>>> conclusions
>>> based on a quick skim, or something like that.
>> Well, I've been reading them and some people told you to stop and you still
>> continue. People already told you were bothering them.
> I haven't posted anything after Andy and Oliver asked to take it off-list,
> other than responding to Blake's accusation of course.
> Before that, nobody told me to stop or that I was bothering them, unless I
> missed it?

I did...

And maybe you missed it, but I definitely did.  I *definitely* did.
This was on Monday, it is now Friday.  Here's what I said across my
two emails:

 - I had already expressed that my very first reaction was wanting to
   support broader language but NOT to have a debate about trans experiences:

   > My first thought when looking at the top of this thread was,
   > 'well I would be okay with adding a word if it isn't an *entry point*
   > for debating trans experiences on list' but it looks like it's likely
   > to be so

 - And then I said that, as a person affected, I didn't feel comfortable
   debating these topics on a technical mailing list:

   > I'm a transwoman with intersex characteristics.  I've certainly
   > read a ton about sexual and gender therory, have read plenty of
   > books on it and I can say without a doubt that I really just don't
   > feel comfortable debating these topics on a technical mailing list.

 - And then, when I saw your email where you had pulled back, I tried
   to help everything close in a way that was friendly:
   > Ah okay, hadn't seen this post before I replied.
   > It seems the issue is closed then.  Look forward to everyone getting
   > back to hacking. :)

Shortly thereafter I stepped away from my computer and went downstairs
and went downstairs to prepare lunch.  Morgan, my wife (who is also a
Guix user, btw) said, "Are you okay?  You look stressed."

And I relayed what happened on this thread.

"Is *that* what's being debated on this list?  I'm not a Guix
*developer*, but I am a Guix *user*.  That kind of gender essentialism
makes me both really want to join the mailing list so I can weigh in
and really *not* want to have to weigh in because I don't want to have
to deal with all that.  That's not the kind of community I want to
participate in."

We co-presented at the FOSDEM room together in the "Lisp but Beautiful,
Lisp for Everyone" talk.  A major portion of the talk was about Guix.
Another major portion of the talk (since "who's representing feminism"
keeps coming up) was about Morgan's experiences *writing her
dissertation using a markup language which is secretly a lisp dialect*
on "Women and Wool Working in Ancient Rome".  Her PhD, Masters, Major,
and Minor were all embedded in gender and sexual analysis through the
lived experiences of women, primarily cisgender, throughout history.
No matter how many books you and I have read on gender and sexuality,
I can guarantee you Morgan has read more.

Anyway if there are any other cisgender women who have presented about
Guix in a video presentation I would be pleased, but as far as I know,
she's the only one I've seen do so.  Corrections extremely welcome.
Active steps to pull more women into our community, strongly encouraged.

But at the time I said, "Oh, I think it wrapped up.  The person who
raised it backpedaled and I tried to be friendly in softening the
closing by saying 'cool let's all get back to hacking!' so I don't think
we have to worry about it