The gvSIG Association announces the publishing of the gvSIG 2.0 final version 
[1]. The main novelty of this version is its new architecture. The way gvSIG 
manage the data sources has been redesigned with the objective of improving the 
reliability as well as the modularity, benefiting the users as well as the 
developers. Besides it permits an easier maintenance and evolution of the 
technology. Therefore it has been an investment in the future with the aim of 
not limiting the technological evolution and establish the bases for a quick 

However this new gvSIG Desktop version includes a series of new features: 
  - New installer that supports typical and custom installation. 
  - Add-ons manager that allows to install new extensions and customize gvSIG 
from the same application. 
  - Some changes in the interface of data management tools like:
      · File import/export
      · Table operations
      · New layer 
  - Layer load improved
  - WMTS (Web Map Tiled Service) support
  - Raster data cache
  - Unified geoprocessing interface
  - Import symbols, making the creation of symbols libraries easy. 
  - Export symbols, that allows to share complete symbols libraries with other 
users easily. 
  - Scripting framework (languages: Jython, Groovy and Javascript). 

Nevertheless it's the last version of gvSIG, it has to be taken into account 
that it's really a new gvSIG, so you will find that some of the gvSIG 1.12 
functionalities are not included. These functionalities will be included in 
following and continuous updates according to their migration to the new 
architecture. The main functionalities that are not included are the following: 
  - Georeferencing 
  - Legend by proportional symbols, graduated ones, dot density, quantities by 
categories and by expressions. 
  - Extensions: Network analysis and 3D 

In the same way, there are several projects based on this new architecture that 
will allow to include new functionalities and improvements directly in gvSIG 
2.0 in the next months. 

Also it has to be taken into account that the level of stability of this new 
version is not as high as we would have wished, considering it a final version 
in order to be used by the community in an official way, and mainly to tackle 
the new developments on it. 

For that, we encourage you to test it and send us any errors in order to fix 
them in the following updates. The known errors of this version can be 
consulted in [2]. 

>From this version, several mirrors are now available to download the packages 
>from gvSIG. These mirrors will be available within a few days.  

We hope you enjoy the new features of this version and you help us to improve 

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