Dr. Corrado Ingravallo ha scritto:
> We are beginning to use gvSIG with PostgreSQL 8.4 and while we had no
> problems with spatial data, we have not yet figured out how to load
> tables PostgreSQL only alphanumeric.
> Is there someone who could help us ???

firstly, you have to click on Table type of document in the Project Manager.
Then, click on New button --> Databases tab --> fill the correct

[For instance:

Server: localhost (*)
Porta: 5432 (*)
Database: MY_DB (**)
Tabella: my_table (**)
Utente: postgres (*)
Password: my_pwd (**)
Driver: postgresql

(*) classic basic settings
(**) change in reference to your data]

... and finally click on OK/Accept button. If the table exists in your
PostgreSQL database, it will be loaded successfully in gvSIG.
Maybe, this functionality is not explained very well in the Italian user
manual... Sorry! I hope I've been quite clear.

Best regards,

Antonio Falciano

Gvsig_internacional mailing list

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