
You've already gotten some good advice on the subject. In case you decide to go with a wig, fall, or other concoction, I'll add a wee bit here:

The proper and fitting answer to the question "Is that your own hair?" is "Yes, of course." It's yours. You bought and paid for it, didn't you? :)

If you prefer not to use one, never fear: you've been ill, and your hair was shorn to prevent its robbing you of your strength to recover (a common practice).

==Marjorie Wilser

 @..@   @..@   @..@
Three Toad Press

On Sep 12, 2012, at 8:56 PM, Sharon Phillips wrote:

I would like some ideas on hair pieces and wigs as I now have short hair again and I have no real idea myself. My hair is maybe a centimetre or two long at the back and for part of the sides and, about 7 cm or 8 cm long on the top part. I also have dark red henna in it so all in all my hair looks modern.
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