I am so excited!  We are having our first Halloween contest on The Costume 
Gallery's Websites.  The winners are given a really nice free costume of their 
choice or a goulish table setting/party pack.  Each contestant can earn points 
that cumulate until Fri. Oct. 13.  The prizes are awarded on Oct. 16.  I worked 
really hard to get such good prizes from our sponsor.  The daily challenges are 
really fun to earn points and some educational!  Here is the official 
announcement about the contest:  

A Halloween Contest at The Costume Gallery Websites:

We are thrilled to announce our first Halloween contest!  Three people will win 
the contest.  The prizes are:
---Two people will win the costume of their choice from www.SpiritHalloween.com 
.  A value of up to $170 per winner.  
--- One person will win a 29-piece Goulish Party Pack prize worth $234.  This 
includes everything you see on the table setting on the front webpage of the 
Contest, except the pumpkins and candles.  One raven candle holder is included. 
 Because the majority of this Party Pack is made of ceramics and heavy, it will 
only be shipped in the U.S.  You can see detailed photos of the individual 
pieces on our Prize webpage.  I have seen this party pack in a Spirits retail 
store and it is so cool!

Earn CGpoints to win the contest. The points are cumulative. There are several 
ways to earn CG Points.  
See: http://www.costumegallery.com/HalloweenContest/points.htm  Please make 
sure to book this webpage.  It is updated daily with another challenge question.
Every day through Oct. 13, there will be a different Challenge question.  All 
deal with the Halloween season and costumes.  Two challenge questions are on 
the webpage now.   There are also several other ways to earn points listed on 
the CG Points webpage.  Make sure to check them out!  

You can view the Top Ten Contestants CG Points names daily on the Top Ten 
Webpage.  The top ten contestants' total points are listed for the previous day.

Please feel free to pass this message to your friends or email lists.

Good luck with the contest and I hope you have a lot of fun!

Penny Ladnier, 
Owner, The Costume Gallery Websites

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