I've been studying Manor Accounts, and in the "Account of the reeve of Sevenhampton from Michaelmas 1278 to Michaelmas 1279" there is mention of selling the tail of feathers moulted by their peacock.

"Peacock tails (caude pavonum)
He answers for 2 peacock tails produced
Of these 1 sold: total 1
and there remains the last tail."

Please can someone tell me the likely use of these feathers? Were they stitched to a skirt or a head-dress, perhaps?
Were they added to a hat, or made into a fan?
Something else?

Or am I wrong, and they weren't used for costume purposes at all: maybe they would have been wanted for some sort of interior decorating? Or for some other function - medicinal, a fancy pen, something beyond my wildest imaginings?

Yours, awaiting your replies with interest,
Linda Walton,
(in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, U.K.).
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