> I don't know how much embroidery you have done but if you are wanting a
> counted type pattern on the shirt, give a try at just eyeballing it :).

 I don't recommend this as the pattern could become way off.

Also, a lot of the shirts, and the coifs, were not done in counted
> patterns but used a variety of stitches. Stem/outline stitch was very
> common.

 Holbein, or double running stitch is much more common outline stitch and
more authentic for a simple design. For more elaborate designs braid stitch
etc. If you aren't much of an embroider I recommend the Holbein.You can find
good simple designs at
http://aeg.atlantia.sca.org/index.htm can give you patterns and refer you to
other places. There is a referal page on each to sites with period patterns.

There is a Blackwork group on Yahoo that also might be able to help.
> As stroll through the picture files will give you a lot of inspiration
> too.

 I recommend it. I'm a member. Also look at the photogallery for ideas.

> Aspasia Moonwind
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