I always starts to make the sleaves of a suit, as it is so easy going. I had
just finished both cuffs, and was sewing the buttons on to the cuffs and
sleaves, when i stuck my hands so badly and bleeded all over on the inner
cuff side for the left sleave. I tryed everything, spit on it, and used
earsticks with salt water, but the collour of the silk is so fragile, that
it wasnt going to be saved.

I'm so sorry your project is ruined.  I have a suggestion for you.
This is a very harsh treatment, but since your project is hopeless,
you might try hydrogen peroxide.  Chemically it's H2O2.  It reacts
with the iron molecule in hemoglobin and removes the red color from
blood.  That's the best thing I ever learned out of college biology
class.  I saved a white wool rug tho it took me an entire bottle of
peroxide.  Dont leave the peroxide in your fabric, it will continue to
eat it.  Rinse out with cold water.
As ever, try it on a scrap first!
Cynthia Barnes
h-costume mailing list

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