That's  not true.  It's still fiber, still purple tabby woven with
strips of  gold

Thanks--boy, was my memory faulty.  Well, my only excuse is I read it  a LONG
time ago!  Maybe I'm remembering another fragment from another  source?

Darned sensitive buttons!  Sent that message before I was  finished.  Anyway,
thanks for setting me straight.  My only excuse is,  it was a LONG time ago
that I read it?  Now I have to figure out why I'm  remembering that "jelly"
part--maybe I read about other fragments somewhere  else, also a long time ago.

Ann Wass

Perhaps you're remembering the stabilization technique?  I understand
some are paste or goo.  The big color Thessaloniki catalog I have
doesnt talk about any sort of preservation or conservation method.
Cin Barnes
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