Here I come meandering along behind the times as usual, but I have been 
thinking that it is time to have a costume "presence" on the web, both for the 
purpose of organizing and storing information and providing information to 
others.  Some of you on this list have the most marvelous sites, and I wondered 
if you all would mind sharing your thoughts on the best approach.  Frex, 
journal vs. website, vs. blog?  What should I look at in deciding on a format? 
I am leaning toward a website since I want to organize and categorize 
information, not present it in a linear fashion, like on a blog (assuming it is 
necessary to be linear on a blog, that is.  Maybe it's not).  Also, I want site 
to be accessible to the outside world. 
On the other hand, I have seen some outstanding LiveJournal pages, so a journal 
site is an option.  What should I look for in choosing a host?  How much 
storage capacity do I need (I intend to have lots of pictures as well as text)? 
 What are my best web design options (I am a cyber-neanderthal remember--I am 
most comfortable in the 18th century).What other questions should I be asking 
that I do not know enough to ask?

So many questions, I know, and honest--you don't have to write a thesis.  But I 
would certainly appreciate any insight you might offer.

Thanks in advance.

Jane, techno-clueless in NO Va
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