I don't suppose Amazon will be carrying this one?

Sanguinem dumtaxat causam virtutis pendate

Message: 1
Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2006 07:36:40 -0500
From: Beth and Bob Matney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [h-cost] book: Dress at the Court of King Henry VIII
To: <h-costume@mail.indra.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

I just got a note from the publisher that this is scheduled to be published
May 2007.

Dress at the Court of King Henry VIII by Maria Hayward. Maney Pub. (2006).
Clothbound with full colour dustjacket, ca 384 pages with ca 150 b&w and 30
colour illustrations. ISBN 1 904350 70 4.

"Henry VIII used his wardrobe, and that of his family and household, as a
way of expressing his wealth and magnificence. This book will encompass the
first detailed study of male and female dress worn at the court of Henry
VIII (1509-47) and will cover the dress of the king and his immediate
family, the royal household and the broader court circle consisting of the
nobility and clergy.

Evidence will be drawn primarily from the Great Wardrobe accounts, wardrobe
warrants, and inventories, and it will be interpreted using evidence from
narrative sources, paintings, drawings and surviving garments. Key areas
for consideration will include the cut and construction of garments,
materials and colours, the function of livery and the hierarchy of dress
amongst the social elite, and the network of craftsmen and merchants
working for the court. "

Maria Hayward (FSA, Reader in Textile Conservation, University of
Southampton, UK) is also Assistant Editor of Costume - Journal of The
Costume Society

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