So, I'm up this morning and reading the messages in the "Secret Surprise" blog. 
One person suggested a ride board for Dean events.  Is there such a ride board up?  Should we get something like that going in DeanSpace?
Again, in spite of being a high tech person, I like quick, somewhat low tech solutions at times.
For example.  Could we have a Rideboard blog?  Each public event from the Governor's calendar could be listed as blog entry and people wanting to work our rides could do it through the comments.
Granted, it would be really nice to set up a rideboard module that is distributed by location, matches people looking for rides with people offering etc.  That might be a nice second step.
Here, I don't know enough of the details, and maybe a little brainstorming would be in order.  Here are the things I do know:
It is common for campaigns to have a Phonebank during a primaries to get the vote out.  I've never organized one, but I am wondering if we could set up tools to create a good distributed phonebank.
Many people have lots of free minutes on their phone plans. and would volunteer to be part of a phone bank from their homes.  Some sort of database would be needed to organize such volunteers, track their results etc.
This has to be very sensitive.  I would refer people to the article in the Concord Monitor, about Republicans trying to jam the get out the votes phonelines.
It would seem as if having some sort of authenticated CVS style checking out of phonelists to call might be important.
This is something with a very real deadline, that personally, I would love to see developed, and tested ahead of any caucus or primary.

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