On Tue, 21 Oct 2003, Alon Altman wrote:

> Hi,
> The intro lecture is available at:
>   http://www.haifux.org/newcomers/lectures/1/linux-intro.pdf
> Please send your comments to the list.
>   Alon

Some notes:

1. In the slide "Mah Zeh Ma'arekhet Hafa'ala". (page 3)

"Applications that work with the OS" ==> "Applications that work above
(me'al) the OS"

2. Slide 4 (What is Free Software):

Ki Tamid Le'ha'atik ==> Add Efshar or Nithan.

3. Slide 5 (When did it start and why)

Add commas in the second bullet.

Third bullet: s/LINUX/Linux.

4. Slide 9:

Replace Fontim with Gofanim?


        Shlomi Fish


Shlomi Fish        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home Page:         http://t2.technion.ac.il/~shlomif/

An apple a day will keep a doctor away. Two apples a day will keep two
doctors away.

        Falk Fish

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