Wow, Shlomi.

I had exactly those those thoughts about the Perl lectures. Why are they needed? Perl, after all, is a language that you best learn by trying it out. And it has plenty of friendly tutorials that will show your way. After all, the basics don't change.

And the thing I never grasped: Why were all these lectures part of Haifux, when there's another group for that?

I think that the basic guideline should be that if there is a lecturer, place, time and a *substantial* audience, a lecture should take place. I don't attend the SiL lectures myself (after all, I've "stayed") but I'm quite confident that if the audience would stop coming, this whole project would die out by itself.

And as you can see from the mailing list, these lectures are not a case of the lecturer preparing slides and pushing them on the group, but the other way around. These SiL lectures deal with the basics of UNIX, and I believe that they will be run over and over again (not necessarily by the same people) to get more and more people across the river.

Viewing your latest posts here and elsewhere -- are you trying to annoy us by purpose?


Shlomi Fish wrote:

Pardon my query, but why do we need so many more Staying in Linux
lectures? What are we trying to achieve with them, precisely? It's bad
enough that we had the W2L series with dwindling attendance, now we have
to have the SiL for the rest of the year. The best way to learn about
Linux and to stay there, is by experimenting on your own, and reading web
resources. People who've been to the W2L series can post messages to the
mailing list or other resources asking for questions and people can answer

Other than that, I don't think we need to guide them by the hand from now
until infinity.


Shlomi Fish

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