
I'm forwarding this on from the LUG Master mailing list as it may be of interest to some of you.


Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2020 18:20:02 +0100
From: AMANDA BROCK <amanda.br...@openuk.uk>
Subject: OpenUK Kids Camp and MiniMu Glove Kit Giveaway

    OpenUK have 3000 open sourced MiniMu glove kits to giveaway across the
   UK, to allow kids with a micro:bit to do the OpenUK kids Camp. The kits
   have been paid for by Huawei and Andrew Katz helped MiMu to open source
   the MiniMu glove as part of this process.
   The opensourced kits have both been created for us as a special edition
   and will be distributed by our partner Pimoroni.
   The OpenUK Kids Camp teaches digital skills through a 10 lesson course
   with an ezine accompanying each lesson and will be shared creative commons
   over 3 weeks in August.
   Each episode is a fun, animated episode that teaches digital skills and
   offers activities for kids to participate in and each has one minute about
   an aspect of open source.
   The giveaway is only in the UK, but the Digital Kids Camp will not be
   restricted to the UK and we ar talking to other organisations about the
   possibility of translating it.
   Episode 1 is narrated by Imogen Heap and she explains what open source is.
   Info is at openuk.uk/openkidscamp and this tweet
   It would be great if you could retweet.
   Please feel free to pass this info on to people who may find it of
   All the best
   Amanda Brock

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