[Hampshire] Adapters for Saturday's Portsmouth and SE Hants LUG meeting

2017-03-16 Thread Lisi Reisz via Hampshire
"Our" projector has a VGA connection. Most laptops these days do not. Could all of you please bring Video port adapters with you if you own such things? In particular Display Port, HDMI, Mini (or is it Micro?) Display Port to or from any of them or any other video port - DVI anyone? - to

[Hampshire] Slides from Portsmouth and SE Hants talks

2017-03-16 Thread Lisi Reisz via Hampshire
At long last I have put the slides from Adam Trickett and Luke Stutters talks on the website. I have had both for some time - Adam's since days after his talk and Luke's for some six weeks - and apologise for my own dilatory performance. At least Luke's were on the mailing list!