[HanoiLUG] Unikey / SCIM

2007-05-15 Hội thoại Lars Adermalm
Thanks Jean Christophe, Do you have another nice link for how-to-purge unikey? Anyway without the purge I tried to follow the instructions by copying the deb.. into the third party software sources but got the following respons from the terminal Failed to fetch

[HanoiLUG] Các loại đít-trâu trên đ ường trục internet Việt Nam

2007-05-15 Hội thoại Le Xuan Thao
http://forum.vnoss.org/viewtopic.php?id=4773 Ch?o c?c b?c, H?m qua c? m?t ng??i n?i chuy?n v?i t?i cho r?ng c?ng ??ng Linux n?i ri?ng v? FOSS n?i chung c?a Vi?t Nam c?n nh?. T?i cho r?ng ? Vi?t Nam, c?ng ??ng FOSS _l?n_h?n_ c?ng ??ng Windows ;). V?i windows ch? c? ng??i d?ng, kh?ng c? c?ng ??ng.

[HanoiLUG] Unikey / SCIM

2007-05-15 Hội thoại Jean Christophe André
Lars Adermalm a ?crit : Do you have another nice link for how-to-purge unikey? Just use this: apt-get remove --purge x-unikey Or, if you always used aptitude or synaptic, use this: aptitude purge x-unikey Mixing apt-get with aptitude is not recommanded by the way. Anyway without the purge I

[HanoiLUG] [Fwd: e-Primer on Free/Open Source Software: Network Infrastructure and Security]

2007-05-15 Hội thoại David Tremblay
? e-Primer on Free/Open Source Software: Network Infrastructure and Security This e-primer, with a foreword by Robert Shaw of the International Telecommunication Union, introduces readers to the network concepts and architectures, and the major networking functions with FOSS. It also

[HanoiLUG] SFD 2007 preparation

2007-05-15 Hội thoại David Tremblay
Dear friends We have a link to craft our plans for the sfd2007 it is here http://www.hanoilug.org/dokuwiki/softwarefreedomday:15sept2007 we also have an official team on the software freedom official website : http://softwarefreedomday.org/teams/asiaandmiddleeast/hanoicity I guess that the

[HanoiLUG] HanoiLUG Digest, Vol 25, Issue 13

2007-05-15 Hội thoại Vu Do Quynh
kiennd a ?crit : Hi thaolx. B?n c? n?i Tuy nhi?n c? m?t th?c t? l? c?c c?ng ??ng FOSS c?a ch?ng ta v?n ri?ng l?, h?i mang t?nh v?ng mi?n, ?t th?y s? ph?i h?p v?i nhau.. Do v?y, theo t?i m?t c?ng vi?c h?t s?c quan tr?ng ?? l? t?p h?p ???c 1 c?ng ??ng t?p trung, t?m ra 1 s?n ph?m duy nh?t

[HanoiLUG] Install Feisty in VN from alternate CD

2007-05-15 Hội thoại Vu Do Quynh
Ch?o m?i ng??i, N?u nh? c?i Ubuntu 7.04 tr?n ? c?ng t? live CD Desktop b? l?i khi n?o ch?n ng?n ng? l? ti?ng Vi?t... Th? c?i Ubuntu 7.04 t? CD alternate, ch?n ng?n ng? ti?ng Vi?t ngay t? ??u ho?n to?n kh?ng c? v?n ?? g? h?t ! Tuy nhi?n, ??i v?i nh?ng ng??i ch?a quen c?i Linux ? d?ng text

[HanoiLUG] Install Feisty in VN from alternate CD

2007-05-15 Hội thoại Nguyen Hong Quang
T?i c?ng c?i Ubuntu 7.04 tr?n ? c?ng t? live CD. Tuy nhi?n khi c?i, t?i ch?n ng?n ng? default la ti?ng Ph?p. M?i chuy?n y?n ?n c?. Nh?ng khi t?i c?i th?m scim-m17n v? ??c bi?t l? khi ch?n ti?ng Vi?t trong System/Administration/Language Support th? n? y?u c?u m?nh c?i th?m m?t ??ng c?c g?i.

[HanoiLUG] confusion between shareware and open source in Vietnamnews

2007-05-15 Hội thoại Truong Anh Tuan
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