Xin ch?o Th?o,

H?n g?p l?i s?m :)
Kind regards,
Please visit Vietnam travel reviews at

----- Original Message ----
From: L? Xu?n Th?o <>
To: Hanoi Linux Users Group <hanoilug at>
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 10:52:25 AM
Subject: [HanoiLUG] Annoucement: Hanoi Linux Caf? !!!

[Vietnamese version, English version bellow]

C?c ??ng ch? HanoiLug th?n m?n

Tr?n tinh th?n t??ng tr? v? ph? bi?n ki?n th?c c?a HanoiLug, ch?ng ta
?ang c? g?ng cung c?p h? tr? v? GNU/Linux m?t c?ch th??ng xuy?n li?n
t?c h?n cho b?t c? ai c?n ??n. ? t??ng l? ?n ??nh m?t ??a ?i?m v? th?i
gian c? ??nh h?ng tu?n t?i m?t qu?n c? ph? wifi, ?t nh?t hai th?nh
vi?n c?a HanoiLug s? c? m?t ?? gi?i ??p th?c m?c, gi?p ?? ho?c t?n
ph?t v?i b?t c? ai gh? qua. Th?i gian ?? c?ng c? th? d?nh ?? l?m vi?c
ri?ng ho?c b?n th?o c?c ? t??ng li?n quan ??n HanoiLug v? c?c d? ?n
li?n quan.

Hi?n gi? ch?ng t?i ?ang d? ??nh th?i gian l? t? 18h ??n 20h th? s?u h?ng tu?n.

N?u ai c? l?i khuy?n v? th?i gian ??a ?i?m hay c?ch th?c t? ch?c ho?c
mu?n tham gia u?ng c? ph?, xin m?i l?n ti?ng. M?i ??ng g?p ??u ???c
hoan ngh?nh.

?i?m h?n cu?i tu?n n?y (th? 6, 27 th?ng 7) l? qu?n cafe L?m Anh s? 120
???ng V?n Ph?c (??i di?n s? qu?n Nh?t B?n). T?m b?n c? g?n c?

[English version, Vietnamese version above]

Dear HanoiLugers

We recently come through an Idea to help out people and provide more
"permanent" "presence" to whoever is in need. It is also a dedicated
time to work on hanoiLUG issues or project. So what we do is, we sit in
a caf? with wireless access every week at the same day/time and we wait
people walking in for help, advice or simply just talk and have a
coffee/drink. We will need at least two (2) hosts every week.

So far we are inclined to do it on friday from 18h00pm to 20h00pm.

This weekend (friday 27th july) place is L?m Anh Caf?, 120 street V?n
Ph?c (in front of Japanese Embassy). Look for the table with Hanoilug
flag. This week hosts will be David Tremblay and L? Xu?n Th?o.
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