Happy birthday to... OO :)

Have a nice day!
Kind regards,

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Louis Suarez-Potts <louis.suarez-po...@sun.com>
To: announce at openoffice.org
Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2007 8:02:57 PM
Subject: [ooo-announce] OpenOffice.org is Seven Today

OpenOffice.org community celebrates its 7th anniversary
104 million downloads of the open source productivity suite

Today, the open source project OpenOffice.org celebrates its 7th  
birthday. Founded by Sun Microsystems on October 13th, 2000,  
continues to experience tremendous growth. The project recently  
counted 104 million downloads from its website, and downloads have  
been increasing since the release of OpenOffice.org 2.3 last month.  
It is widely considered the most important open source productivity  
suite and one of the largest open source projects.

OpenOffice.org is available in more than 80 languages and runs  
natively on every major platform; it uses the ISO standard, the  
OpenDocument Format, for its files. Thousands from around the world  
contribute to its ongoing success, helping with the development,  
localisation, documentation, user support and marketing of the  
program. "OpenOffice.org is being developed around the world, and it  
is being used around the world by governments, businesses and  
individuals", said Florian Effenberger, Marketing Project Co-Lead of  
OpenOffice.org. "The community has achieved what few predicted seven  
years ago, and we have just begun!"

In addition to its founder and main contributor Sun Microsystems,  
OpenOffice.org is also recognizes the contributions of RedFlag  
Software, IBM, Red Hat, and Novell, among others. OpenOffice.org  
welcomes the contributions of all organizations and individuals.

OpenOffice.org 2.3 can be found at http://download.openoffice.org/2.3.0/
Links to community and professional support, templates, books, etc.,  
can be obtained from http://support.openoffice.org

Press Contacts

John McCreesh (UTC +01h00)
OpenOffice.org Marketing Project Lead
jpmcc at openoffice.org
+44 (0)7 810 278 540

Florian Effenberger (UTC +01h00)
OpenOffice.org Marketing Project Co-Lead
floeff at openoffice.org
+49 8341 9966 0880

Louis Su?rez-Potts (UTC -04h00)
OpenOffice.org Community Manager
louis at openoffice.org
+1 (416) 625-3843

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