
I am running haproxy 1.3.2 as a load balancer for some servers running nginx as an ssl terminator which forwards to squid running as a reverse proxy which falls back to apache.

I want to use 'option httpchk' to check whether or not a specific resource is available to our users - the idea being that the health-check will actually detect if any particular piece of the webserver is down (nginx, squid or apache). However, I cannot seem to get it working properly. I've tried a variety of things along the lines of:

option httpchk GET /index.php HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: foo.bar.org
server foo1.private.net check inter 2000 rise 5 fall 2

but nothing appears to work - all the requests show up as 400 errors in the nginx logs.

My hunch is that this is because the httpchk is not even attempting to negotiate the SSL handshake, but perhaps I am just doing something wrong.

Is there any way to get this to work? If not, is there any other httpchk-like thing for https? I know of ssl-hello-chk, but I want to know if I can actually pull a resource from a webserver, not just if my HTTPS service is alive.

Thanks very much,
Arthur Richards

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