Missed the reply-to :)

-------- Originalnachricht --------
Thanks for the data point, Philipp. If you resend your reply to the
list, that might be useful for people other than just me :-)


On 15 April 2014 09:26, Philipp
<e1c1bac6253dc54a1e89ddc046585...@posteo.net> wrote:
Am 14.04.2014 23:27 schrieb Jonathan Matthews:

What do /you/ do, fellow sysadmins? How do you run, upgrade and
maintain confidence in your chosen version of 1.5 in production?

We run 1.5-dev19 (2013/06/17) in production. The last restart was 28days ago and the two peers cluster delivered around 100GB of traffic with some 25
million http/200
in this period (as of hatop).

I had no visible bug since installing this version and thus I am not
upgrading :-).

(on a sidenote, no openssl 1.0.1 so not bleeding ;-) )

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