Hello, Guys.


Robert Snyder is having issues with the mailing list, he is trying to join
it, but the system says he is already a member, when he try to send an
e-mail, he gets this as reply :


From:  <mailto:haproxy+ow...@formilux.org> haproxy+ow...@formilux.org

Subject: Post to  <mailto:haproxy@formilux.org> haproxy@formilux.org denied

Date: October 21, 2013 8:58:16 PM EDT

To:  <mailto:r...@psu.edu> r...@psu.edu


Hi, this is the mlmmj program managing the mailinglist

 <mailto:haproxy@formilux.org> haproxy@formilux.org

I'm sorry to inform you that your message could not be delivered to the
list. Your mail was rejected because it matched a rule set up by the
list administrator.





Can someone do anything about it ?





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