
> Yes, this is why I was speaking with Jeff about this.
> Because I suppose that these processes have a default loop, that uses a
> certain amount of CPU (kQueue implementation)

Its not busy polling, if thats what you are referring to. CPU usage should
be low with kqueue (because its fully event based).

I think that you may face some scheduling issues (like context switching),
because of the amount of haproxy instances you are running.

I would really suggest to run haproxy in a single instance and process.

> Would this cause a port conflict or anything like this ?
> Or when you use -sf, it automatically 'unbind' the port on the old process,
> allowing it only for the new one ?

HAproxy will take care of this, no conflicts are expected.

> HA-Proxy version 1.4.23 2013/04/03

1.4.23 is not the latest, 1.4.24 is. Important bugfixes are in 1.4.24, though
none matches your symptoms.



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