Sorry, i send the previous mail in wrong format.
    I install haproxy 1.4 in a Debian Squeeze system, with a  2.6.32-5-amd64  
kernel. The configuration is this:######global        maxconn 5000        log local5 info err        stats socket /var/run/haproxy.sock mode 0600 
level admin        pidfile /var/run/
defaults        mode    http        log global        retries 3        option 
redispatch        timeout contimeout     5000        timeout client      
1800000        timeout srvtimeout     5000listen proxy-http *:80       mode 
http       option httplog       stats enable       balance roundrobin       acl 
rule1 url_dir news       use_backend back-news if rule1       default_backend 
back-httplisten proxy-stats *:8080       mode http       option httplog       
stats enable       balance roundrobin       server srv1 IP:80       stats 
enable       #stats hide-version       stats show-legends       stats uri     
/admin?stats       stats realm   Haproxy\ Statistics       stats auth    
user:pass       stats refresh 5sbackend back-http       option httpchk GET 
/test.txt       http-check expect string OK       server web01 IP:80 check 
inter 5000 fastinter 1000 downinter 1000 rise 2 fall 2       server web02 IP:80 
check inter 5000 fastinter 1000 downinter 1000 rise 2 fall 2backend back
 -news       server web03 IP:8080/news############I can start and stop haproxy 
withouth problem, but when i reload its configuration, it print the following:
# /usr/local/sbin/haproxy -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf -p /var/run/ 
-st $(/var/run/
-bash: /var/run/ Permission denied[ALERT] 303/172211 (6281) : 
Starting proxy proxy-http: cannot bind socket[ALERT] 303/172211 (6281) : 
Starting proxy proxy-stats: cannot bind socket
I googled, but i can't find anything, in the same machine, there aren't any 
other service listen in these ports, only haproxy.

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