No ssl or crt in bind when compiled with USE_OPENSSL=1

2014-03-30 Thread Juan Jimenez
I am trying to figure out why haproxy 1.4.25 does not like crt and ssl in

I recompiled with:

make TARGET=linux2628 USE_OPENSSL=1
make install

The cfg file looks like this:

log   local0
log   local1 notice
#log loghostlocal0 info
maxconn 4096
#chroot /usr/share/haproxy
user skytap
group skytap

log global
option  dontlognull
retries 3
option redispatch
maxconn 2000
contimeout  5000
clitimeout  5
srvtimeout  5

listen stats *:1936
   mode http
   stats enable
   stats realm Haproxy\ Statistics
   stats uri /
   stats refresh 30
   stats show-legends

frontend commander-server-frontend-insecure
 mode http
 default_backend commander-server-backend

frontend commander-stomp-frontend
 mode tcp
 bind ssl crt /home/skytap/server.pem
 default_backend commander-stomp-backend
 option tcplog
 log global

frontend commander-server-frontend-secure
 mode tcp
 bind ssl crt /home/skytap/server.pem
 default_backend commander-server-backend

backend commander-server-backend
mode http
server node1 check
server node2 check
server node3 check
stats enable
option httpchk GET /commanderRequest/health

backend commander-stomp-backend
mode tcp
server node1 check
server node2 check
server node3 check
option tcplog
log global


And the error messages are:

[skytap@haproxy haproxy-1.4.25]$ haproxy -c -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
[ALERT] 087/233343 (3964) : parsing [/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:38] : 'bind'
only supports the 'transparent', 'defer-accept', 'name', 'id', 'mss' and
'interface' options.
[ALERT] 087/233343 (3964) : parsing [/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:45] : 'bind'
only supports the 'transparent', 'defer-accept', 'name', 'id', 'mss' and
'interface' options.
[ALERT] 087/233343 (3964) : Error(s) found in configuration file :
[ALERT] 087/233343 (3964) : Fatal errors found in configuration.



Juan Jiménez
Electric Cloud, Inc.
Sr. Solutions Engineer - US Northeast Region
Mobile +1.787.464.5062 | Fax +1.617-766-6980

Re: No ssl or crt in bind when compiled with USE_OPENSSL=1

2014-03-30 Thread Patrick Hemmer
1.4 does not support SSL. SSL was added in 1.5-dev12


*From: *Juan Jimenez
*Sent: * 2014-03-30 02:44:42 E
*To: *
*Subject: *No ssl or crt in bind when compiled with USE_OPENSSL=1

 I am trying to figure out why haproxy 1.4.25 does not like crt and ssl in

 I recompiled with:

   make TARGET=linux2628 USE_OPENSSL=1
   make install

 The cfg file looks like this:

 log   local0
 log   local1 notice
 #log loghostlocal0 info
 maxconn 4096
 #chroot /usr/share/haproxy
 user skytap
 group skytap

 log global
 option  dontlognull
 retries 3
 option redispatch
 maxconn 2000
 contimeout  5000
 clitimeout  5
 srvtimeout  5

 listen stats *:1936
mode http
stats enable
stats realm Haproxy\ Statistics
stats uri /
stats refresh 30
stats show-legends

 frontend commander-server-frontend-insecure
  mode http
  default_backend commander-server-backend

 frontend commander-stomp-frontend
  mode tcp
  bind ssl crt /home/skytap/server.pem
  default_backend commander-stomp-backend
  option tcplog
  log global

 frontend commander-server-frontend-secure
  mode tcp
  bind ssl crt /home/skytap/server.pem
  default_backend commander-server-backend

 backend commander-server-backend
 mode http
 server node1 check
 server node2 check
   server node3 check
 stats enable
 option httpchk GET /commanderRequest/health

 backend commander-stomp-backend
 mode tcp
 server node1 check
 server node2 check
   server node3 check
 option tcplog
 log global


 And the error messages are:

 [skytap@haproxy haproxy-1.4.25]$ haproxy -c -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
 [ALERT] 087/233343 (3964) : parsing [/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:38] : 'bind'
 only supports the 'transparent', 'defer-accept', 'name', 'id', 'mss' and
 'interface' options.
 [ALERT] 087/233343 (3964) : parsing [/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:45] : 'bind'
 only supports the 'transparent', 'defer-accept', 'name', 'id', 'mss' and
 'interface' options.
 [ALERT] 087/233343 (3964) : Error(s) found in configuration file :
 [ALERT] 087/233343 (3964) : Fatal errors found in configuration.



 Juan Jiménez
 Electric Cloud, Inc.
 Sr. Solutions Engineer - US Northeast Region
 Mobile +1.787.464.5062 | Fax +1.617-766-6980

Re: ereq steadily increasing

2014-03-30 Thread Baptiste
Hi Patrick,

Just issue a 'show errors' on HAProxy stats socket and you'll know why
these request have been denied.
You can also give a try to the 'option accept-invalid-request' to tell
haproxy be less sensitive on HTTP checking...


On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 9:37 PM, Patrick Schless wrote:
 sorry, sent that before it was ready. here's the complete message:

 Some more info:

 I am getting reports from users of high numbers of 504s.

 My timeouts are pretty high (while trying to debug this problem), so it
 doesn't seem like they are the issue:
   timeout connect 20s
   timeout client 80s
   timeout server 80s
   timeout http-keep-alive 50s

 I have http logging on, but I am not seeing any 5xx responses (almost all
 200s, with a low number of 4xx, which seems about right).

 I am tracking the count of all status codes, and it seems that the ereq
 count tracks pretty closely to the number of 400s that are in the haproxy
 log (though the logs have a couple more 400s than are reported by stats).

 Logs for these 400s look like one of three things:
 1: Mar 29 15:13:42.000 haproxy-k49 haproxy[19450]: xx.xx.xx.xx:45381
 [29/Mar/2014:15:13:42.181] frontend_https~ frontend_https/NOSRV
 -1/-1/-1/-1/46 400 187 - - CR-- 1031/1031/0/0/0 0/0 BADREQ

 2: Mar 29 15:13:41.000 haproxy-k49 haproxy[19450]: xx.xx.xx.xx:38440
 [29/Mar/2014:15:13:40.874] frontend_https~ tapp_http/tapp-p8b 394/0/1/29/424
 400 183 - -  1046/1046/23/9/0 0/0 GET

 3: Mar 29 15:09:19.000 haproxy-k49 haproxy[19450]: xx.xx.xx.xx:51969
 [29/Mar/2014:15:09:19.213] frontend_https~ frontend_https/NOSRV
 -1/-1/-1/-1/118 400 187 - - PR-- 1087/1087/0/0/0 0/0 BADREQ

 These are spread across a variety of customers and don't seem related to SSL
 (since some of the errors are on the http frontend). The counts for the
 various types of 400s are here:
 [patrick@haproxy-k49 ~]$ sudo grep haproxy /var/log/messages | grep -E
 [0-9] 400 [0-9] | awk '{print $6   $9   $11   $15}' | sed
 s/:[0-9]*// | sed s/tapp-.../tapp-abc/ | sort | uniq -c | sed
  37 x.x.x.245 tapp_http/tapp-abc 400 
  12 x.x.x.25 frontend_http/NOSRV 400 CR--
1182 x.x.x.35 frontend_https/NOSRV 400 CR--
   1 x.x.x.94 frontend_http/NOSRV 400 CR--
  35 x.x.x.65 tapp_http/tapp-abc 400 
   8 x.x.x.29 frontend_http/NOSRV 400 PR--
  89 x.x.x.96 frontend_https/NOSRV 400 PR--

 My guess is that requests like (2) are the ones that end up as 400s but
 don't register as ereq's (just do to the low frequency of them).

 The lines like (1) (the CR lines) I'm assuming as premature closes by the
 client, and there's maybe nothing I can do about that.

 For lines like (3) (the PR lines), I don't understand why the proxy is
 denying them. Is there anyway to see exactly what is being sent for these


 On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 3:12 PM, Patrick Schless

 Some more info:

 I am getting reports from users of high numbers of 504s.

 My timeouts are pretty high (while trying to debug this problem), so it
 doesn't seem like they are the issue:
   timeout connect 20s
   timeout client 80s
   timeout server 80s
   timeout http-keep-alive 50s

 I have http logging on, but I am not seeing any 5xx responses (almost all
 200s, with a low number of 4xx, which seems about right).

 On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 7:23 PM, Patrick Schless wrote:

 I am running on 1.5 dev22, and doing SSL termination. Traffic seems to be
 handled fine, but my ereq is steadily rising. Poking at the source, it looks
 like this can be caused by a number of different errors.

 What's the next step for trying to determine what's causing these? I
 tried bumping my connect and cli timeouts, but that didn't change anything.


Re: ereq steadily increasing

2014-03-30 Thread Patrick Schless
Very interesting, thanks for the tip. I only see two requests there, one of
which seems like nonsense or a vulnerability scan
(\r\n\r\n\x00\x00\x00), and the other has a space in the path that's
being requested due to improper escaping. Neither of those is a huge deal
to me, though if the downstream server (nginx) would handle the space then
I suppose I'd want to use the accept-invalid-request option.

I finally captured some 504s in the debug logging. 129 since yesterday
afternoon. They all seem to look like this:
Mar 30 14:46:19.000 haproxy-k49 haproxy[19450]: x.x.x.x:49638
[30/Mar/2014:14:45:19.533] frontend_https~ tapp_http/tapp-m2t
77/0/4/6/60081 504 343 - -  1255/1255/17/4/0 0/0 GET /data/?a=b

I'm guessing that the 6/60081 means that 60s is some timeout threshold,
and 60.081 seconds were reached, which caused the 504. Is that correct? I
am also guessing that this is caused by slowness on the downstream
application servers. I do see a spike in the number of requests at the same
times as these 504s, and I suspect adding more downstream servers (with
balance leastconn) will help here.

I'm a little confused by the 60s timeout, though. I have these (below) in
my config, so I'd expect the the timeout that's causing the 504 is the
timeout server, which isn't 60s.

  log global
  option httplog
  retries 3
  option redispatch
  maxconn 8196
  timeout connect 20s
  timeout client 80s
  timeout server 80s
  timeout http-keep-alive 50s
  stats enable
  stats auth user:password
  stats uri /stats

Is my 80s server timeout not taking for some reason, or is the 60s some
other setting? I'm mostly just curious, since 80s was artificially high
(while I try to address these problem), and I'll probably lower it to 50s
before I'm done.


On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 2:22 PM, Baptiste wrote:

 Hi Patrick,

 Just issue a 'show errors' on HAProxy stats socket and you'll know why
 these request have been denied.
 You can also give a try to the 'option accept-invalid-request' to tell
 haproxy be less sensitive on HTTP checking...


 On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 9:37 PM, Patrick Schless wrote:
  sorry, sent that before it was ready. here's the complete message:
  Some more info:
  I am getting reports from users of high numbers of 504s.
  My timeouts are pretty high (while trying to debug this problem), so it
  doesn't seem like they are the issue:
timeout connect 20s
timeout client 80s
timeout server 80s
timeout http-keep-alive 50s
  I have http logging on, but I am not seeing any 5xx responses (almost all
  200s, with a low number of 4xx, which seems about right).
  I am tracking the count of all status codes, and it seems that the ereq
  count tracks pretty closely to the number of 400s that are in the haproxy
  log (though the logs have a couple more 400s than are reported by stats).
  Logs for these 400s look like one of three things:
  1: Mar 29 15:13:42.000 haproxy-k49 haproxy[19450]: xx.xx.xx.xx:45381
  [29/Mar/2014:15:13:42.181] frontend_https~ frontend_https/NOSRV
  -1/-1/-1/-1/46 400 187 - - CR-- 1031/1031/0/0/0 0/0 BADREQ
  2: Mar 29 15:13:41.000 haproxy-k49 haproxy[19450]: xx.xx.xx.xx:38440
  [29/Mar/2014:15:13:40.874] frontend_https~ tapp_http/tapp-p8b
  400 183 - -  1046/1046/23/9/0 0/0 GET
  3: Mar 29 15:09:19.000 haproxy-k49 haproxy[19450]: xx.xx.xx.xx:51969
  [29/Mar/2014:15:09:19.213] frontend_https~ frontend_https/NOSRV
  -1/-1/-1/-1/118 400 187 - - PR-- 1087/1087/0/0/0 0/0 BADREQ
  These are spread across a variety of customers and don't seem related to
  (since some of the errors are on the http frontend). The counts for the
  various types of 400s are here:
  [patrick@haproxy-k49 ~]$ sudo grep haproxy /var/log/messages | grep -E
  [0-9] 400 [0-9] | awk '{print $6   $9   $11   $15}' | sed
  s/:[0-9]*// | sed s/tapp-.../tapp-abc/ | sort | uniq -c | sed
   37 x.x.x.245 tapp_http/tapp-abc 400 
   12 x.x.x.25 frontend_http/NOSRV 400 CR--
 1182 x.x.x.35 frontend_https/NOSRV 400 CR--
1 x.x.x.94 frontend_http/NOSRV 400 CR--
   35 x.x.x.65 tapp_http/tapp-abc 400 
8 x.x.x.29 frontend_http/NOSRV 400 PR--
   89 x.x.x.96 frontend_https/NOSRV 400 PR--
  My guess is that requests like (2) are the ones that end up as 400s but
  don't register as ereq's (just do to the low frequency of them).
  The lines like (1) (the CR lines) I'm assuming as premature closes by the
  client, and there's maybe nothing I can do about that.
  For lines like (3) (the PR lines), I don't understand why the proxy is
  denying them. Is there anyway to see exactly what is being sent for these
  On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 3:12 PM, Patrick Schless 

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2014-03-30 Thread Tu Informe
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