I think the subject covers it. I need to build a list of many 301 redirects 
within the same domain i.e. redirect /some_old_place to /some_new_place.
We have lots of content the gets retired or replaced  based on url. The quote 
from the current home page of haproxy states maps may be used to "build 
massive redirect tables" but for the life of me I can figure it out. I am using 
version 1.5 and here are the lines of the config which I am currently am 
working on.

redirect location %[map(/opt/local/etc/haproxy/redirect.map), hdr(url)] 
code 301

Given the above config line I get

[ALERT] 099/205518 (27981) : parsing 
[/opt/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:83] : 
error detected in frontend 'LoadBalancer' while parsing redirect rule : 
expects 'code', 'prefix', 'location', 'scheme', 'set-cookie', 'clear-cookie', 
'drop-query' or  'append-slash' (was 'hdr(url)]').

I have tried many variations of this but have not found any success. If anyone
knows how to do this please let me know?

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