
HAProxy 2.3.2 was released on 2020/11/28. It added 34 new commits
after version 2.3.1.

This version fixes some bugs:

Willy fixed a bug in the peers protocol which was introduced in the previous
2.3.1 version when trying to fix a bug. This bug could lead to a process
killed by the watchdog.

Christopher fixed a possible overflow in the offset variable when using
using the filters.

He also fixed a mess with the checks buffers that could lead to a segmentation
fault when a h2 health-check is performed.

Less important but still interesting patches:

I fixed a problem with the SSL certificates loading which was ignoring
non-existing files and let haproxy starts without any error in this case.

The cache behavior was changed a little bit to respect a little more the
standard, indeed RĂ©mi made a patch which forbids caching of response which
does not contains a explicit expiration time. Since we are still early in the
2.3 life, we decided to backport it.

We also backported the "del-header -m <meth>" feature developed by Marciej
which allows to use various match method (including regexes) to delete a

The other fixes and patches are listed in the complete changelog below.

As usual it is recommanded to update to this version if you use a previous 2.3

Please find the usual URLs below :
   Site index       : http://www.haproxy.org/
   Discourse        : http://discourse.haproxy.org/
   Slack channel    : https://slack.haproxy.org/
   Issue tracker    : https://github.com/haproxy/haproxy/issues
   Wiki             : https://github.com/haproxy/wiki/wiki
   Sources          : http://www.haproxy.org/download/2.3/src/
   Git repository   : http://git.haproxy.org/git/haproxy-2.3.git/
   Git Web browsing : http://git.haproxy.org/?p=haproxy-2.3.git
   Changelog        : http://www.haproxy.org/download/2.3/src/CHANGELOG
   Cyril's HTML doc : http://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/

Complete changelog :
Christopher Faulet (9):
      BUG/MEDIUM: filters: Forward all filtered data at the end of http 
      BUG/MINOR: http-ana: Don't wait for the body of CONNECT requests
      BUG/MEDIUM: http-ana: Don't eval http-after-response ruleset on empty 
      BUG/MAJOR: filters: Always keep all offsets up to date during data 
      BUG/MINOR: tcpcheck: Don't forget to reset tcp-check flags on new kind of 
      MINOR: tcpcheck: Don't handle anymore in-progress send rules in 
      BUG/MAJOR: tcpcheck: Allocate input and output buffers from the buffer 
      DOC: config: Move req.hdrs and req.hdrs_bin in L7 samples fetches section
      BUG/MINOR: http-fetch: Fix smp_fetch_body() when called from a 

Jerome Magnin (1):
      CLEANUP: cfgparse: remove duplicate registration for transparent build 

Joao Morais (2):
      DOC: clarify how to create a fallback crt
      DOC: better describes how to configure a fallback crt

Maciej Zdeb (4):
      BUG/MINOR: http_htx: Fix searching headers by substring
      MINOR: http_act: Add -m flag for del-header name matching method
      BUG/MEDIUM: http_act: Restore init of log-format list
      DOC: Clarify %HP description in log-format

Matthieu Guegan (1):
      BUILD: makefile: enable crypt(3) for OpenBSD

Remi Tricot-Le Breton (2):
      MEDIUM: cache: Change caching conditions
      DOC: cache: Add new caching limitation information

Tim Duesterhus (3):
      REGTESTS: Add sample_fetches/cook.vtc
      BUILD: Make DEBUG part of .build_opts
      BUILD: Show the value of DEBUG= in haproxy -vv

William Dauchy (1):
      REGTESTS: converter: add url_dec test

William Lallemand (6):
      DOC: add missing 3.10 in the summary
      BUG/MINOR: ssl: segv on startup when AKID but no keyid
      BUG/MEDIUM: ssl/crt-list: bundle support broken in crt-list
      BUG/MEDIUM: ssl: error when no certificate are found
      BUG/MINOR: ssl/crt-list: load bundle in crt-list only if activated
      BUG/MEDIUM: ssl/crt-list: fix error when no file found

Willy Tarreau (5):
      BUILD: http-htx: fix build warning regarding long type in printf
      CLEANUP: connection: do not use conn->owner when the session is known
      BUG/MAJOR: connection: reset conn->owner when detaching from session list
      BUG/MAJOR: peers: fix partial message decoding
      DOC: better document the config file format and escaping/quoting rules


William Lallemand

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