
(This is kind of related to this thread:

I'm seeing different behaviour between http1.1 / http2 when chaining
two frontends with mode http and the last frontend closes
connection with http-request reject (or tcp-request content reject).

When client uses http/1.1 then client receives 502 error (I think
this is expected because the "server" for the first frontend just closes

But when client uses http/2 then client will receive error 400.
(Tested with latest 2.0dev (2.0-dev0-32211a-258)).
I'm not sure if this is a bug, but at least seems to be different behaviour
between http/1.1 and http/2. (option http-use-htx doesn't seem to make

The attached varnishtest should explain what I mean. I put some debug
printf output to proto_htx and with http/2 the status 400 comes
from /* 3: client abort with an abortonclose */
(proto_htx.c line 1535, s->req.flags 0x9c42020).

With http/1.1 status 502 comes from /* 4: close from server, capture
the response if the server has started to respond */
(proto_htx.c line 1559, s->req.flags 0x9842000).
(If I interpret s->req.flags correctly then http/2 has
CF_READ_DONTWAIT and CF_SHUTR set and http/1.1 doesn't).


varnishtest "h2 chaining 400 error"
feature ignore_unknown_macro

haproxy h1 -conf {
    mode http
    ${no-htx} option http-use-htx
    timeout connect 1s
    timeout client  1s
    timeout server  1s

    listen HTTP_in
        bind "fd@${HTTP_in}"
        server tmpserver abns@proc1 send-proxy-v2

    listen HTTP2_in
        bind "fd@${HTTP2_in}" proto h2
        server tmpserver abns@proc1 send-proxy-v2

    frontend fe
        bind abns@proc1 accept-proxy
        http-request reject if TRUE
        default_backend be

    backend be
        server s1 ${s1_addr}:${s1_port}

} -start

client c1h1 -connect ${h1_HTTP_in_sock} {
    expect resp.status == 502
} -run

client c1h2 -connect ${h1_HTTP2_in_sock} {
        stream 0 {
                txsettings -ack
                expect settings.ack == true
        } -run
        stream 1 {
                # warning: -req, -scheme, -url MUST be placed first otherwise
                # the H2 protocol is invalid since they are pseudo-headers
                txreq \
                  -req GET \
                  -scheme "https" \
                  -url /path/to/file.ext

                expect resp.status == 502
                #rxdata -all
        } -run
} -run

Jarno Huuskonen

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