Hello list, tl;dr is: How can I avoid configuring dozens of http-request with 
the same acl?

My use case is a haproxy cluster receiving requests for hundreds of distinct 
hostnames, several of them with a dozen or so distinct paths, and a few more 
than 5k distinct backends that sends these requests to a cluster of about 15k 
containers. In the very beginning we were adding one http-request per rule but 
this wasn't scaling well, so changed the approach to a map() converter with 
something like `<hostname>#<path> <backend-name>` which improved performance a 

Now we're starting to add other dimensions to that host+path matching, which is 
at least query params and header matching, so starting again with one 
http-request keyword per rule, which we already know that will not scale.

My starting idea was to evolve the map() converter strategy to add these new 
matching rules but couldn't figure out a way to do it. I thought about making 
two levels of map() but it doesn't allow dynamic input, so I wouldn't have a 
way to configure the second one.

Another idea was to mimic how other proxies do their configuration: an outer 
block defines the hostname level, everything inside that block already have an 
implicit `{ hdr(host) host1 }`. A second block within the first one defines the 
path, so everything inside it has already an implicit `{ path /bar }`.

Maybe haproxy has already a keyword or configuration for that use case, if so 
I'd love to hear some advices. If not this is a draft of a proposal that I'd 
love to hear from you if it's something doable:

case (acl-name|anonymous-acl) {
  http-request bar # outer acl implicit
  http-request baz if { hdr(x-bar) baz } # outer acl implicitly ANDed here
  case (acl-name|anonymous-acl) {
    http-request bazz # both outer acls ANDing here

case keyword starts a block, a closing brace alone in the line closes the inner 
block. Indentation doesn't matter at all. haproxy now knows that if the outer 
acl doesn't match, all the inner keywords should be ignored. Does it make sense?


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