We have a site that's getting HTTP 502 errors (PH-- in the logs), and "no
option checkcache" did not help. Not quite sure how to find out exactly what
is making HAProxy give the HTTP 502 / PH-- response, even using the debug
option didn't really give any better insight.

Off the top of your heads does anyone know if a cookie value that contains
equal signs is illegal? This site is trying to save an encrypted string in a
cookie like Username=asdkjflasdjflkadsjflasdfj==; and my best guess so far
is the extra =='s at the end of the cookie value are not HTTP compliant. Not
having much luck finding a definitive list of what characters are legal in
cookie values though. I see several other cookies flying around with # or |
in them but they don't cause this PH-- issue, its only when the one with the
=='s shows up that it happens.


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