
I have a problem were I don't know were to look further and I hope I can
get some pointers. The problem is that during times with a high request
count sometimes answers for requests take a long time. So I identified
an request that took a long time and got the log entries from the
haproxy and the backend nginx server:


Sep 26 09:47:25 heliosa haproxy[21758]:
[26/Sep/2018:09:47:17.102] ext-www-shared-auction1-https~
www-shared-auction1-http/auction1-shared 0/0/0/5607/7748 200 663 - -
---- 6870/423/292/267/0 0/0 "GET

nginx (the logformat is non standard):

"time": "2018-09-26T09:47:17+02:00"
"body_bytes_sent": "237"
"request_time": "0.036"
"status": "200"
"request": "GET

If I understand the haproxy default logformat correctly then the part
0/0/0/5607/7748 means that the request to the backend took around 7.748s
(Tq, Tw and Tc are zero and Tr = 5607ms and Td = 2141ms; which means Tt
= 7748ms is more or less completely used talking to the backend). But
the backendĀ  server says it only used 0.036s to handle the request. I
made a tcpdump on the server running the haproxy instance (the tcpdump
of the request is attached) and if the timestamps are correct the
request was indeed received in 0.039s.

So either I made some mistake or it took around 5 seconds
transfering/processing the request from the network interface into the
haproxy instance. I looked into the statistics recorded of the server
running haproxy and nothing seems noteworthy (no dropped packages or
errors on the network interfaces, acceptable cpu and memory usage). The
system is running haproxy 1.6.14 on an old Ubuntu trusty with 3.13.0-158
ubuntu kernel. It worked in the past without those problems.

I am out of ideas where to look further for the cause of this issue and
as said in the beginning any pointers or ideas were to look further
would be greatly appreciated.


Attachment: request_qkmm012o23u8i9esj6nksfo445_1537945522572.pcap
Description: application/vnd.tcpdump.pcap

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