I'm Senad from HAProxy Technologies, one of the organizers of HAProxyConf in Amsterdam on November 12-13. We just announced the full speaker line-up and the agenda (

Thanks to our selection committee that included several members from the community. We have two packed days of exciting technical talks, best practices, and real-world use cases.

Early Bird tickets will be on sale until September 30th, at a price of €175. To ensure the best experience to all participants, we have limited the number of attendees, so please make sure to purchase your ticket on time.

Also, preferential rates for hotels close to the venue have been arranged by our team. They expire on October 28th or until the reserved room blocks are full, so please take this into consideration when making your travel arrangements.
More information is on our website

Let me know if you have any questions about the agenda, location or the conference in general.

Hope to see you in Amsterdam!

Senad Caus

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