i am reading from xharbour mailing of developer  that harbour double
speed of xharbour

Thanks to harbour developer

comparing the content of harbour seem good for speed

I add good for reliability because my app work fine

Interesting the comparison of harbour & xharbour by activity


Intresting graph of Message posted on mailing

From: Andi Jahja <xharb...@...>
Subject: Harbour vs xHarbour - SpeedTest
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.lang.xharbour.devel
Date: 2010-01-01 11:48:34 GMT (1 day, 4 hours and 50 minutes ago)
Hi All,

The folowing report may be interesting:
Harbour speed now doubles xHarbour.
Is there any idea to improve this situation.

Thanks and Happy New Year To All.

2010.01.01 18:37:50 Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
Harbour 2.0.0 (Rev. 13372) Microsoft Visual C++ 14.00.50727 (32-bit) x86
N_LOOPS: 1000000
[ T000: empty loop overhead ]...................................0.05 0.09
==================================================================== ====
[ T001: x := L_C ]..............................................0.06 0.06
[ T002: x := L_N ]..............................................0.06 0.06
[ T003: x := L_D ]..............................................0.05 0.05
[ T004: x := S_C ]..............................................0.08 0.08
[ T005: x := S_N ]..............................................0.06 0.05
[ T006: x := S_D ]..............................................0.06 0.05
[ T007: x := M->M_C ]...........................................0.13 0.08
[ T008: x := M->M_N ]...........................................0.09 0.06
[ T009: x := M->M_D ]...........................................0.09 0.08
[ T010: x := M->P_C ]...........................................0.09 0.08
[ T011: x := M->P_N ]...........................................0.11 0.06
[ T012: x := M->P_D ]...........................................0.11 0.06
[ T013: x := F_C ]..............................................0.27 0.61
[ T014: x := F_N ]..............................................0.33 0.41
[ T015: x := F_D ]..............................................0.19 0.20
[ T016: x := o:Args ]...........................................0.27 0.55
[ T017: x := o[2] ].............................................0.19 0.14
[ T018: round( i / 1000, 2 ) ]..................................0.33 0.64
[ T019: str( i / 1000 ) ].......................................0.83 1.77
[ T020: val( s ) ]..............................................0.38 0.69
[ T021: val( a [ i % 16 + 1 ] ) ]...............................0.64 1.05
[ T022: dtos( d - i % 10000 ) ].................................0.64 0.88
[ T023: eval( { || i % 16 } ) ].................................0.67 1.22
[ T024: eval( bc := { || i % 16 } ) ]...........................0.44 0.75
[ T025: eval( { |x| x % 16 }, i ) ].............................0.56 0.92
[ T026: eval( bc := { |x| x % 16 }, i ) ].......................0.45 0.72
[ T027: eval( { |x| f1( x ) }, i ) ]............................0.64 1.36
[ T028: eval( bc := { |x| f1( x ) }, i ) ]......................0.52 1.13
[ T029: eval( bc := &("{ |x| f1( x ) }"), i ) ].................0.53 1.09
[ T030: x := &( "f1(" + str(i) + ")" ) ]........................4.58 10.06
[ T031: bc := &( "{|x|f1(x)}" ), eval( bc, i ) ]................4.84 9.80
[ T032: x := valtype( x ) +  valtype( i ) ].....................0.50 1.48
[ T033: x := strzero( i % 100, 2 ) $ a[ i % 16 + 1 ] ]..........1.11 1.80
[ T034: x := a[ i % 16 + 1 ] == s ].............................0.42 0.52
[ T035: x := a[ i % 16 + 1 ] = s ]..............................0.48 0.50
[ T036: x := a[ i % 16 + 1 ] >= s ].............................0.44 0.48
[ T037: x := a[ i % 16 + 1 ] <= s ].............................0.45 0.52
[ T038: x := a[ i % 16 + 1 ] < s ]..............................0.44 0.52
[ T039: x := a[ i % 16 + 1 ] > s ]..............................0.47 0.50
[ T040: ascan( a, i % 16 ) ]....................................0.50 0.77
[ T041: ascan( a, { |x| x == i % 16 } ) ].......................4.75 8.03
[ T042: iif( i%1000==0, a:={}, ) , aadd(a,{i,1,.T.,s,s2,a2 ]....1.22 2.55
[ T043: x := a ]................................................0.08 0.09
[ T044: x := {} ]...............................................0.17 0.33
[ T045: f0() ]..................................................0.09 0.41
[ T046: f1( i ) ]...............................................0.17 0.56
[ T047: f2( c[1...8] ) ]........................................0.19 0.52
[ T048: f2( c[1...40000] ) ]....................................0.16 0.48
[ T049: f2( @c[1...40000] ) ]...................................0.16 0.47
[ T050: f2( @c[1...40000] ), c2 := c ]..........................0.20 0.55
[ T051: f3( a, a2, s, i, s2, bc, i, n, x ) ]....................0.58 0.92
[ T052: f2( a ) ]...............................................0.16 0.48
[ T053: x := f4() ].............................................0.73 1.98
[ T054: x := f5() ].............................................0.38 1.48
[ T055: x := space(16) ]........................................0.27 1.02
[ T056: f_prv( c ) ]............................................0.48 2.17
==================================================================== =====
[ total application time: ]....................................35.50 69.14
[ total real time: ]...........................................35.52 69.16


Massimo Belgrano
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