[HCDX] Information Radio - Commando Solo

2006-02-01 Thread Jouko Huuskonen
This morning Feb 2 0655 UTC I heard a station with Quran recitation on 9714,90 kHz USB. This could be Information Radio -Commando Solo from Kuwait reported by Arnaldo Slaen. Signal strength S3-4 and overall reception poor. 73 Jouko Huuskonen Turku FINLAND ---[Start Commercial]--


2006-02-01 Thread bjorn fransson
Hi Wolfie, Thank you for these words! I fully agree with you and I still can't understand why people don't use the HC Online log for tips. I have got messages from DX-ers who no longer watch HC-DX because it nowadays is used the way it is. 73 from Björn Fransson on the island of Gotland, Swede

[HCDX] Scandinavian Weekend Radio

2006-02-01 Thread Manuel Méndez
Manuel Méndez Lugo, Spain Saturday the 4th of February, like all first Saturdays of the month Scandinavian Weekend Radio will be on air with special transmissions beginning at 2200 UTC Friday the 3th to finalize at 2200 UTC Saturday the 4th. Frequencies and schedule will be: 2200 Friday to


2006-02-01 Thread Konnie Rychalsky
FROM Southern Connecticut, DX-440 100-ft indoor LW: QSL: USA FLORIDA, Miami WX4NHC - Amateur Radio Station at the National Hurricane Center. Full color photo with f/d stickers on back; also DVD of News clips off local TV broadcasters covering station operations. Report durring Hurricane Watch

[HCDX] DX Listening Digest 6-021; WOR 1303; Nets to You; DX Programs

2006-02-01 Thread Glenn Hauser
DX Listening Digest 6-021 has now been posted at http://www.w4uvh.net/dxlatest.txt or http://dxld.worldofradio.org CONTENTS: WOR 1303 / AFGHANISTAN / ALGERIA non / ARGENTINA / ARMENIA / AUSTRALIA ARDS / AUSTRALIA RA / BELGIUM non / BENIN / BOLIVIA / BRAZIL / BULGARIA DRM / BURMA non / CANADA non

[HCDX] HCDX logs between 2006-02-01 0000 UTC and 2006-02-02 0000 UTC

2006-02-01 Thread Risto Kotalampi
Hard-Core-DX.com logs from 2006-02-01 UTC to 2006-02-02 UTC - Please visit http://log.hard-core-dx.com/ for the real time logs and to submit your logs to the HCDX Online Log. Europe 252 Feb 1 1030- RUS: R


2006-02-01 Thread Wolfgang Bueschel_web
Folks, how many times I shall drop the d e l e t e key today ??? Dear Francesco, please stop send out this rubbish log files to hcdx. Or put information together to a common file, and send latter once a week. For easy reading please use lower case letters only and condense the information in

[HCDX] (senza oggetto)

2006-02-01 Thread francesco cecconi
GALEI ZAHAL. ISRAEL DATE: 01 - 02 - 2006 TIME: 21.30 - 21.40 UTC FREQUENCY: 6973 KHz SIGNAL: GOOD WITH QSB LANGUAGE: HEBREW PROGRAM: MUSIC, COMMENTARY http://swli05639fr.blogspot.com/ ---[Start Commercial]- World Radio TV Handbook 2006 is out. Order yours from http://www.a

[HCDX] 80 mediumwave loggings

2006-02-01 Thread Michael Schnitzer
Hello everywhere, here are all transatlantic mediumwave-loggings from the recent DX-camp in Denmark: http://home.arcor.de/mschnitzer/DK-Loggings%202.htm Also 16 audio clips can be heard. vy 73 Michael Schnitzer Germany ---[Start Commercial]- World Radio TV Handbook 200

[HCDX] DX the past night in Mtl

2006-02-01 Thread aurel chiochiu
Hello ! The past evening I got extremely poorly Spain-585 and Croatia-1134 was briefly at SIO 444 at 0114 UTC. Otherwise, Radio Progreso 890 was quite steady with little in the way of fadings and I feel asleep listening to boleros, played inside the Nocturno program which is almost as nice as T


2006-02-01 Thread francesco cecconi
RAE, RADIO ARGENTINA AL EXTERIOR DATE: 01 - 02 - 2006 TIME: 20.55 - 21.00 UTC FREQUENCY: 15345 KHz SIGNAL: INS. LANGUAGE: GERMAN PROGRAM: IS. ID. # posted by SWL STATION I0-5639 @ 21:05 0 comments RADIO ROMANIA INTERNATIONAL DATE: 01 - 02 - 2006 TIME: 20.35 - 20.45 UTC FREQUENCY: 6055 KHz SIGNAL


2006-02-01 Thread francesco cecconi
8965M5O : unid 12.37 ALE/USB Sounding (01 Feb 06) (FC) 11175 DOE: unid 18.53 ALE/USB Sounding (01 Feb 06) (FC) http://swli05639fr.blogspot.com/ ---[Start Commercial]- World Radio TV Handbook 2006 is out. Order yours from http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/082305

[HCDX] Valencia DX Enero 2006

Valencia DX en pdf: http://es.geocities.com/jmromero782004/0601.pdf __ VALENCIA DX Cuaderno de bitácora de un vagabundo del dial desde Burjasot en Valencia (España). Escuchas realizadas tanto desde mi QTH e

[HCDX] Pacific Radio Heritage News #9

2006-02-01 Thread info
- ***Pacific Radio Heritage News*** - ***January/February 2006*** Issue No.9 - 1. Happy New Year and Happy Chinese New Year! Quite a few people are getting this newsletter for the first time, so welc

[HCDX] [Fwd: [mwoz] New community radio service for Arnhem Land, Northern Territory]

2006-02-01 Thread John Wright
This from David onley the Australian Radio Dx club medium Wave editor. ARDS is not on 5050khz follow up of 30th January message. Here maybe the answer as below. regards John Wright. Original Message Subject: [mwoz] New community radio service for Arnhem Land, Northern Territ

[HCDX] REE 3350 kHz

2006-02-01 Thread Jose Bueno
José Bueno, Córdoba, España Hola amigos radioescuchas, he comprobado que Radio Exterior de España ya no emite por la frecuencia de 3350 kHz desde Cariari, Puerto Rico, les solicité información sobre el motivo de no emitir en esta frecuencia y esta es la contestación de Pilar Salvador Marco de RE

[HCDX] Help with UNID

2006-02-01 Thread bjorn fransson
Hi list, Who can help me with the follwing "tips"? 73 from Björn Fransson, DX-ing on the island of Gotland, Sweden CLANDESTINES AND UNID 17660, UNID African, 1225-1430*, Feb 1st (alsoJan 30th), playing African style pop music, very nice! I was trying for new Libyan clandestine Sowt Al-Amel and h

[HCDX] NO ID en 17660.

Saludos cordiales, a las 14:00 termina la emisión de Al-amel en 17665, también la jamming Libanesa en 17660, sin embargo en ésta frecuencia continua la emisión de música afropo y regae, el SINPO 55544. También desaparece el ruido, probablemente algún tipo jamming, sonaba cómo una sierra eléctr

[HCDX] Chequeando por 17660 y 17665

Saludos cordiales, chequeando las frecuencias de 17660 y 17665 desde las 13:05, se observa que Al-amel está transmitiendo por 17665, habitual programación en árabe, con ID, locutor con comentarios y locutora, a las 13:20 con canto del Corán, sin embargo por los 17660 se aprecia una emisión de mú