NIGERIA  Since 28 months after completion of this modern facility,
both studio at Abuja and TX site installation, we wait impatiently for VoNIG
program on shortwave.

NIG  new December 2009 VoNigeria, Abuja Lugbe estate, building site.

Voice of Nigeria frequencies 7255 9690 11770 15120 17800 kHz
two fixed curtains, one ALLISS like revolving antenna
08 57 53.00 N  07 21 46.00 E

But this March 9 morning at 07-08 UT old Ikorodu site heavy BUZZ
transmission in French language on air ... noted here in western Germany.
73 wb

----- Original Message ----- From: "Glenn Hauser" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2012 10:50 PM
Subject: [dxld] V of Nigeria activating Abuja, 1857-2000 15120

NIGERIA. Hi Glenn, Have been listening to Voice of Nigeria over the past
few days, as reception has been favorable. The transmission on 15120
between 1800 and 1900 has been strong. The heavy buzz, maybe a 50 Hz buzz
is present throughout the 18-19 hour.

Over the past couple days, VON has been broadcasting thru 2000 UT on 15120
kHz. There is a co-channel between 1857-1900, and I think this is the new
transmitter site online. Audio at 1900 is excellent, no buzz whatever, and
comes from the Abuja studios, and from what I conclude, is via the new
transmitter (this is just my guess). An announcement at 1955 UT on March 8

"Voice of Nigeria will soon commence a transmission of its programs from
its Abuja Ultra modern transmitting station." A list of frequencies and
languages were announced. VON also announced, "If you are listening to
this test transmission in any part of the world, we would be glad to get a
reception report from you indicating exactly from where you are listening
to us from and the quality of our signal"

The E-mail address announced was vonnews (at)
Signal was great yesterday and today, with only minimum noise.
Best wishes (Chris Lewis, England, March 8, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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