Hi, a few loggings this Monday morning Nov 28, 2005

1386 0805 UK      : LPAM hospital radio station Carillon Radio just above noise 
level with 100 % ID. The S-meter
                             wasn't reacting at all. Just 1 watt.

1404 0830 France : Two stations, France Info and Radio Blue equally good att 
the same time, so I couldn't tell
                             what station was airing what. But one of them had 
news from Ajaccio, Corsica and "Radio Corsa
                             Frequenza Mora" was mentioned - as the source, 
perhaps. Acccording to the European-African 
                             Medium Wave Guide, the Ajaccio station does not 
carry local programs at this hour. To add to
                             the confusion  I felt, two Romanian stations took 
over, and when I managed to phase them out 
                             I heard just France Info. 

1413 0825 UK      : BBC Radio Gloucestershire w/ very good signal and at least 
one more UK station in the background.

>From 0845 I had to deal with incoming phone-calls and other matters and now 
>att 0925  I have tuned to : 

1431 0925 UK      : Classic Gold Breeze w/ oldies and weak signal.

1440 0937 Lux    : DRM noise spilling  up to 1449

1449 0945 UK     : BBC Radio 4 // 198  with religious program

1458 0953 UK     : BBC Radio Newcastle dominating, but BBC Radio Cumbria is 
here too.

1548 1000 UK     : Magic AM, Sheffield is usually not the strongest UK station 
at my place, but it is definitely so right
                           now. Wonderful signal.

Awaiting a visitor any minute, I hurry to send this. Good DX to all. 

Johan Berglund, Trollhättan, Sweden   AOR AR7030, K9AY


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