This was the first time I've gone out in 2 weeks, as temps have been
consistently between -25 and -35 below without a windchill and my cut-off
limit for safety and comfort is anything colder then -25 below keeps me

Conditions we're ...interesting. I didn't hear any of the big guns I
would've expected to like Talk Sport 1053 or Absolute 1215 which can be
darn near like local signals here at times.

I logged CKRW-AM 610 Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada at 10:03PM AKST/11:03PM
Pacific December 10th with the end of a newscast from the Canadian Press,
local weather forecast, station liner and into asong.

Here's a recording:

I also had  620 CKRM Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada at 10:50PM AKST December
10th/1:50AM Central December 11th.

Here they are playing "I Ain't Living Long Like This" by Waylon Jennings.

Here is a CKRM 620 The Source station liner 3 minutes later

I had V7AB 1098 at very very listenable levels, all things considered (Hey,
that's a show on the NPR station I work for!). (Recording was made at
10:10PM AKST/11:10PM Pacific/0710UTC December 11th)

Anyways, I heard what sounded like island christian/religious music
followed by an announcer talking and then more religious music

Here's a recording:

Paul Walker
Galena, Alaska
Grundig Sattelit 750
225 foot long wire
DXEngineering HF PreAmp
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