1840UTC to 1915UTC
Galena, Alaska (-16 below, no windchill)
Grundig Sattelite 750
225 foot long wire
DXEngineering HF PreAmp

1242 Tokyo was missing as was Pyongyang on 657 and 873, AFN The Eagle on
810 from Tokyo  was briefly listenable but 1575 The Eagle from Misawa was
totally absent.

But I still had some interesting results, despite a crap ton of atmospheric

The most interesting one was 729ABC 5RN Brisbane getting wiped out and
buried by an Asian. Whenever I've had 729 in the morning, it's always been
729ABC Brisbane, sometimes strong, sometimes not. .but always them. Audio:

1206 was in kinda weak with that repeating loop of Silent Night. Audio:

1134 KBS Hamminjok 2 Radio was about the strongest, signal wise.. with
music. Audio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60HCHlsoIdM

1188 was pretty good too, not quite as strong as 1134 KBS but there wasn't
as much noise. I happened to catch the top of hour station ID on JOKP/NHK
Radio into the NHK Newsdesk. Audio:

1314 was in fairly well with some music. Audio here:

And file this under "I must be in the right place". W1440 Oldies, CKHR
Westaskawin, Alberta with 10kw Non Directional Day and 3 towers at night.
There are my constant, daily visitor on 1440khz. They might be weak, and
sometimes, like today, they're strong. But I don't usually hear them in the
morning, just at night.  Audio:

I had a pretty strong 1548 4QD Emerald, QLD. I've had it before, but it's
not usually very strong. Audio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11UwMyi_XI8

1566 HLAZ with it's 250KW and 6 towers was a bit fadey, which isn't usual
here. It's usually pretty strong, solid and steady. Today, as usual when I
catch it, it's a man talking in Russian. Audio:
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