** BRAZIL. 5939.85, Radio Voz Missionária, 0430-0500, April 30,
Continuous Portuguese inspirational music. // 9665.11 - both 
frequencies weak, poor. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** ETHIOPIA. 7210, Radio Fana, *0256-0315, April 30, sign on with
IS. Amharic talk at 0301. ID. Local music. // 6110 - both frequencies 
in the clear with fair signals. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** SRI LANKA. 11905, SLBC, *0020-0031, April 30, sign on with local 
music followed by National Anthem. Local music at 0023. Hindi talk at
0025. Religious recitations at 0026. Time pips at 0030. Local 
instrumental music. Good. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** SUDAN. 7200, SRTC, *0236-0318, April 30, sign on with Arabic 
talk. Local chants at 0238. Arabic talk. Local music at 0250. Chirping
birds. Mostly Arabic talk. Fair to good but occasional HAM QRM. 
(Brian Alexander, PA) 
** ZIMBABWE [non]. via Madagascar, 9870, Radio Voice of the 
People, 0425-0457*, April 30, vernacular talk. IDs. English at 0441 
with news about Zimbabwe. Closing English ID announcements at 
0456. Poor to fair in noisy conditions. Difficult to understand due to
thick accents. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA 
Equipment: Icom IC-7600, two 100 foot longwires 
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