** BRAZIL. 15189.96, Radio Inconfidência, 0045-0115, heard after WYFR  
0045 sign off. Portuguese talk. Local ballads. Weak but readable. Weak  
with adjacent channel splatter on // 6010. August 30. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** ERITREA. 9710.03, Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea,  0320-0335,
Horn of Africa style music. Vernacular talk. Fair level but very  weak
modulation. Fair on // 7174.99. August 30. (Brian Alexander, PA)  
** ETHIOPIA. 9705, Radio Ethiopia, 2045-2101*, local Horn of Africa  style
music. Amharic announcements. Possible news at 2056. Sign off with  
National Anthem at 2059. Fair. August 29. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** ITALY [non]. via ROMANIA. 15610, IRRS, 1259-1400*, tune-in to  
classical music. English IRRS ID at 1300. One minute of dead air and  into
lite instrumental music at 1301. French talk at 1307, but into English  at
1308 with “In History” program. Program at 1310 about music.  “Forum”
program at 1323 about California’s “Three Strikes and Your Out”  law
and their criminal justice system. IRRS ID and contact information at  1359.
Fair signal but mixing with WEWN at their 1359 sign on. No Brother  Stair
and his Overcomer Ministry program today. August 30. (Brian Alexander,  PA) 
** NIGER. 9704.99, LV du Sahel, 2101-2303*, audible after Ethiopia  9705
sign off at 2101. Vernacular talk. Rustic indigenous vocals. Qur`an at  
Short flute IS at 2301 followed by National Anthem. 21 second test tone  at
2303 and off. Weak but readable at 2101. Improved to fair to good  levels
by 2215. August 29. (Brian Alexander, PA) 

Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA  
Equipment: Icom  IC-7600, two 100 foot longwires 

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