BOLIVIA  – 6154.94, Radio Fides, La Paz, sign-on caught on 12/18 at
*0945 as carrier switched on and then abruptly into canned musical ID
anmt by OM, giving all fqys including AM, FM and  onda corta , both 49
mb and 31 mb.  Didn’t have the recorder running, but did catch nice
clear “Radio Fides” ID, and then into the morning show.  Fides doesn’t
believe in warming up the xmtr, prior to the start of broadcasting so,
as a result, the signal improves over the first few minutes of xmsn as
the xmtr settles in. (Perry, Illinois)

PERU – 5120.00,  Radio Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba, hrd every
morning this past week, fair signal tho noisy bands, with variable,
casual  s/on in the 1045-1100 period.  Initial programming is OM DJ
nonstop tlks in SS, with local 5 a.m. t/cks “la hora del Peru”.   No
anthem, canned eco ID, etc.   Just the guy suddenly speaking.  Open
carrier initially being noted as early as 1043 on 12/20 and as late as
1053 on 12/18.  Anmts seem to typically start around 1055. (Perry,

PERU – 6173.94,  Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cusco, decent signal 10/20 at
1003 tune-in through 1030 t/o.  Usual morning regional and int’l
sports (futbol scores) pgm with local t/cks as “Las cinco de la manana
y 8 minutos . . . la primer programa el dia de hoy . . .”  Signal
faded in better with time, peaking around 1020.  “Las 5 de la manana,
las 5 y 20 minutos.  Presentamos la radio . . . programa deportivos a
traves todo el Peru . . . “  A few folkloric music bursts of 15
seconds or so, perhaps part of commercials.  (Perry, Illinois)

UNID / ECUADOR – 3380.08t, unid but likely Centro Radiofónico de
Imbabura (CRI), Ibarra, reactivated after years off the air.  Tnx to
Dave Valko tip, got a “me too” log also.  Add a very big muchas
gracias DX Pro Pedro Arrunategui for cracking the ID on this one.
Heard rather poorly at 1108-1118 fade-out on 12/20, seemed OM in SS
with nx show, possible lite reverb or eco.  Severe noise as band was
eroding.  Been watching this fqy several prior mornings, to no avail;
and monitored fqy this morning 12/20 from 1000 to past 1100 with
nothing heard until retuning at 1108.   Apparently must have just come
on after I momentarily left it at maybe 1103.  Perhaps nominal *1100
s/on time,  as is typical for HC stations, although Dave had them a
good ten minutes earlier on 11 Dec.  (Perry, Illinois)

Ralph Perry, Wheaton, Illinois
Drake R8B;  Japan Radio NRD-545;  Eton E1;  Hallicrafters SX100
Dentron Super Tuner + Ameco PLF-2 + Palomar P-408 +Quantum Phaser
antenna unit (customized for tropical bands)
335-foot bidirectional BOG  150 deg/330 deg) for LA/SE Asia
DXEngineering RPA-1 preamp
Phased Longwire + Small Loop

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